Aaron Perry


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  • Episode 47 – Thea Maria Carlson, Executive Director, Biodynamic Association
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Stewardship & Sustainability Series
Episode 47 - Thea Maria Carlson, Executive Director, Biodynamic Association

Thea Maria Carlson, Executive Director of the Biodynamic Association, reveals the amazing impacts of Biodynamic farming and land stewardship practices on soil, fruits, vegetables, livestock, and the health of the farmers and community members who eat Biodynamic products.

Emphasizing the importance of our relationship with the soil and land, and recognizing that Biodynamic practices provide a positive pathway for the cultivation of relationship with our living Earth, Thea discusses how each farm is a living organism – with individuality – and has elements analogous to the organs in our own bodies. The compost pile is an essential nexus, for example. A farmer of vegetables, medicinal herbs, and goats, Thea describes how tremendously nutritious and healing the Dandelion plant is – which is why European immigrants brought Dandelion with them from the Old World. She encourages us each to seek out and buy more Biodynamic produce and medicinal herbs – to improve our own health and well-being, while also sending the market signals for more soil regeneration, ecological stewardship, and de-toxification of our world.

First articulated by Rudolf Steiner in the 1920’s as a living alchemical practice, Biodynamics is an advanced form of organic agriculture that provides a rich array of agroecological solutions for carbon sequestration, climate crisis mitigation, fresh water protection, nutrient food and medicine production, and greater health and well-being in our communities.

Founded in 1928, the Biodynamic Association provides myriad resources to farmers, gardeners, educators, and consumers, including a clearing house of scientific articles and peer-reviewed research about Biodynamic agricultural and stewardship practices (biodynamics.com/research-portal). Thea encourages us to become members of the Biodynamic Association (biodynamics.com/membership), and to attend the Biodynamic Association’s annual conference in Lake George, New York November 20-24, 2019 (biodynamics.com/conference), where the Y on Earth Community is sharing a three-day hands-on Community Mobilization immersion experience, along with scores of other presenters and speakers.

More connections and information at: biodynamics.org, facebook.com/biodynamics, instagram.com/biodynamicsbda, twitter.com/biodynamic

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