Aaron Perry


Y On Earth - Podcast Cover
Stewardship & Sustainability Series
Episode 58 - Sarah Drew, Visionary Author, Gaia Codex

Sarah Drew is the visionary author of the eco-feminist novel Gaia Codex. Her work catalyzes powerful blueprints for the future, deeply rooted in the gnosis of the past. With a global social media following of over 150,000, Sarah is a mentor and teacher to women world-wide and has been a featured speaker at the graduate level and at organizations such as Google, ABC, and Deepak Homebase. Sarah lives with her husband in Manhattan and on their lush, forested farm in the Hudson Valley (RhineValleyFarm.com).

In this beautiful, illuminated discussion, Sarah reveals how we can each cultivate the direct feelings of connectedness to Gaia – Mother Earth – and the sweetness of the the reality that we truly ARE Her, and are of Her. Her inspirational vision for our future is one marked by humanity experiencing rapid transformation and growing our garden together. With daily walks in the woods, a practice of cultivating the light body, daily meditations and prayers of gratitude, Sarah invites us to develop and practice the humble ways of living that connect us with life-force, and compel us to live in harmony with our living biosphere. She envisions a network emerging of intentional communities in localities world-wide, where increasing numbers of the human family engage directly in prayers and actions of co-creation with living landscapes to restore our world, our psyches, our culture and our species.

With a sweet, candid discussion of her journey as a woman, Sarah explores the arc from young maiden, to mature woman, and wise crone. Our term “Crone,” she shares, is etymologically related to “crown” – evoking the archetype of the wise woman, the Queen – the liberated, empowered, wizened feminine archetype. This journey invites conscious women to mark stages with rites of passage, to bring light in to the material form, to experience initiation, and to work closely with the Water and the Soil in service to life, peace, and well-being. Reminding us that “matter” is closely related to “Mater” (mother), Sarah invites us to heal and restore our relationship with the physical, living reality, to cultivate Light and Love, and to reconnect with the Great Mater – Great Matter – Great Mother – Gaia.

More at gaiacodex.com, sarahdrew.net, and rhinevalleyfarm.com. Connect on Facebook: @sarahdrewmuse and on Instagram: @sarahdrewmuse


(Automatically generated transcript for search engine optimization and reference purposes – grammatical and spelling errors may exist.)

Welcome to the YonEarth Communities Stewardship and Sustainability Podcast Series.

Today we have the opportunity to visit with Sarah Drew.

Hi Sarah.

Aaron, great to be here.

So great to visit with you.

Thrilled, we have the opportunity to talk about your book and a whole bunch of things related

to the healing of our planet.

Yeah, it’s wonderful to finally meet you and, yeah, I feel that so many of us are here

on this journey right now to really creating the new dream for Mother Gaia, for Mother Earth.

And it’s great to see you and have this time to see where the symbiosis is happening.

Absolutely beautiful.

Well, let me, for our audience, let them know a little more about you, and then we’ll

dive into a conversation.

Sarah Drew is the visionary author of the eco-fandomist novel, Gaia Codex.

Her work catalyzes powerful blueprints for the future, deeply rooted in the noses of

the past.

With a global social media following of over 150,000 people, Sarah is a mentor and teacher

for women worldwide, and has been a featured speaker at the graduate level, and at organizations

such as Google and ABC, Deepak Home Base.

You’ll be able to get a lot more information about Sarah’s work at Gaia Codex.com, as well

as Sarah Drew.net, there’s an H in Sarah, and we’ll put all this in the show notes.

And Sarah lives with her husband in Manhattan, and on a lush forested farm in the Hudson Valley

called Rine Valley Farm.

And you can go to RineValleyFarm.com to learn more about the farm itself, and I assure you

there are some exquisite pictures and videos there.

I was looking at that the other day.

So Sarah, it’s, oh my goodness gracious, it’s just such a joy to be able to visit with

you and to talk about the way you’re employing storytelling to help transform human consciousness.

And I noticed when I started reading Gaia Codex that, oh my gosh, this is such an intense

experience, the experience of reading the story.

And I’m wondering, how would you summarize what you’re doing in the story for the audience?

I hope lots of folks will end up getting the book, it’s beautiful, by the way, and reading


So how do you summarize it for people?

Yeah, I think the top storyline about Gaia Codex is that it’s about an ancient lineage

of women that, through the rise and fall of cultures, have held regeneration codes for

the planet.

And when there’s times of economic and environmental collapse shift and transformation, in this myth

of these women come together to help birth the world new, the main arc of Gaia Codex is

told through the eyes of Lila Sophia, which is a young woman who, in kind of a classic

heroine’s journey, loses her parents, and I must find these pieces, but also find herself.

And the book, in many ways, delves into a lot of what we are coming to realize is the truth

of our time.

And it’s the idea that, you know, as a species, we’re at this choice point to come together

to see if homo sapiens continue to live on the planet.

And how that actually looks like, feels like, tastes like, you know, how we come together

is kin and community.

It’s an adventure story.

It’s amazing because it really, it starts off with a bang, so to speak.

There’s so much energy in the action as the narrative starts to unfold.

It’s exciting and it’s even a little bit, I found myself feeling, oh my gosh, this

is going to be a pretty intense experience.

And it made me sense that I will probably have a different experience of reality when

I’m finished with this story, which I read a lot, I love to read, and I wouldn’t say

that about a lot of the things I read.

Some are interesting in my introduced new concepts, but my sense is that with Gaia Codex,

there is information transmission in that story that truly helps transform our consciousness.

Yeah, that is the intent of the book, thank you for reflecting that back.

The book was really born, for me, as a writer, as a midwife, as a creator, you know, all

these things as you know, you create, you become all these different aspects.

This born out of deep prayer was born out of a retreat of several years and was born

out of a need, really, to help bring some of these jewel seeds to the public arena at

this time in the form of story.

And you know, the path of creation, you know, as you know, sometimes creating these things,

I’ve really had to do it with prayer and faith and sometimes eating a lot of lentil soup.

Lentil soup?

Why lentil soup?

That’s so interesting.

Because it was a way to sustain myself food-wise, you know, I ended up being very blessed

in receiving a request where I could retreat and write for several years, but prior to

that, there was this, you know, this is on the creator’s journey, is when you know something

to be true, you’re willing to put aside all of their, maybe you say, this is the thing

that my soul needs to do.

And this was for me writing biophotics was that and it was done with the help of, you

know, mentors and teachers, spiritual and otherwise, there’s a long list of credits from the

back of the book.

Yeah, yeah, I love that.

Same is true of why I’m here, actually, yeah, it’s so beautiful to be able to acknowledge.

You speak that with you, because I feel with why on earth has this similar journey of

you’re living the life that’s true to your soul.

And I feel very fortunate, we’re fortunate to be able to live that path and it’s one that

I wish for all beings on the planet that we can live those lives that are true to the essence

of our soul and true to the essence of well-being for all beings.

Yes, beautiful.

Amen, all hope to that.

It’s interesting for me, sometimes as insights show up, I have this experience that it’s moving

through me.

It’s more of a receptive experience than it is a sort of generative, yang, mental thing.

And it’s an exquisite experience sometimes.

I’ve had days writing where I sit down as if I’m going to now watch a movie or read somebody

else’s writing as it unfolds or so much that can show up that we didn’t necessarily consciously

have ahead of time.


Yeah, I find the creative process very similar.

And I’ve done some workshops with women around that, about eliminating the creation, the

art visionary writing.

I haven’t done this for a couple of years, but the process is very similar to me for me

and you know, you’ve spoken that you’re working on a fiction work as well right now, it’s

like going into a virtual world with a gun coat, and I want this transcribing, right?

I’m tasting, feeling, touching inside of the character and I’m writing it down.

I didn’t find in the beginning of the book though there was a mandala of writing kind of


There was a mandala of key transmission points that were the blueprint or template, you

know, for what wanted to come through.

And then it’s listening and crafting the narrative and listening to the world and letting

the world be birthed through us to become part of this reality here in this world.


So you mentioned women’s circles and I’m so eager to ask you some questions about the

work you’re doing, the story that you’re sharing.

As it relates to the main characters of women, Lilo or Lila Sophia, and she’s being taught

a number of ancient esoteric secrets, knowledge, wisdom that’s been passed down through lineages

of women.

Of course this is something that shows up in cultures all over the world.

Our modern American global economic culture, I think it seems, has lost a lot of that

or at least it’s more underground.

And I’m just so curious for you, I know you interact with me, I’m a man, all kinds

of other people, and that you’re also doing particular work in circles of women.

Can you talk to us about what’s going on in circles of women that is different from

what you’re interacting with men?

It’s such an interesting question, I think fundamentally and maybe many women might not agree

with me, but I think in essence, in most ancient teachings, we go to this is that we are

both, right, and all different variations of male, young and young, right?

And I think right now it’s so much that it’s really the rebalancing of the male and female.

And I feel like a lot of my work, our work, is just re-activating the feminine lineage

lines, re-activating the connection, because it’s almost you can think of it, it is my

salient network of lineage, right?

A lot of this has been broken in our generation and the generation’s past.

It has connected us to the wisdom of all different traditions for the feminine, and also

the masculine.

And I think right now we are reconnecting, re-breathing, going back to honoring these indigenous

traditions from all of us, whether we are the Native and American aboriginal of Kelsey,

all of us are indigenous if we go back into our roots.

I mean, my family lines are Northern European, and you know, there is ritual lines that

were there.

There is, when you are looking up the earth.

So I think for the feminine part right now, it’s re-balancing, right, where it is also

I think a rebirth for the masculine right now, and for homo sapiens as a whole, and the

book goes into it, what is it, when we become, part of me wants to say post homo sapiens,

but you know, I think we are at this point of the evolutionary, you know, an evolutionary

cost where either we rebirth ourselves as a species, and that means becoming more guile

resonant in my understanding, and, or we don’t.

So more guile resonant, and by the way, I want to make sure the term mycelial was used.

I know a lot of our audience knows this term, but there may be a few of you out there who

are just getting acquainted.

So the mycelial networks are hyper-intelligent neural networks that live in soil, and

are of the fungal species, and that are basically the information superhighways connecting all

the living plants, and the microbiome that is in the soil.

And we know our science is discovering so much just in the last 10 years with our ability

to see the very small in a way we’ve never been able to before with technology, at least

that we remember, we are being now able to understand the complexity that exists in

just a yard, just a park, just a square mile of pasture land, complexity that dwarfs all

of our human technology.

And so when we use that as a meme, as a symbol for something, it’s so potent, literally

and figuratively, and I’m wondering for you what mycelial, how that resonates in the

work that you’re doing, and how you’re seeing that get expressed in story, in Gaia Codex

and elsewhere.

I’ve really been feeling this in meditation, and when I am out of the farm, which we are

often, right now we’re taking this in the city, but the deep interconnectivity of our

consciousness with each other, with our actual cells, the matter of the mother, the matter

of our body, I’ve really been in this contemplation of, it’s all about our interconnectivity with

each other, and with all life.

And if it’s issues that more and more of us can begin to have that, not just that theoretical

understanding, but that experience, then we can, I believe, really start to make different

decisions in our politics and our economics, in our creating cities, in our creating

community, it is that deep sense of interconnectivity, that’s at the heart of Buddhism, the

Dalai Lama talks about it, it’s at the heart of the web of life that so many native traditions

and indigenous traditions talk about, and on a personal level, it’s interesting, it’s

almost like these little gifts, I’ve been feeling it, just in meditation at a different

level, yet again, you know, with meditation and consciousness, from my understanding that

as far as ever, of all human rights, it’s interesting to evolve, but I feel this deep

interconnectivity with Gaia at this level that we truly are of her and of her, and I just

really crave it, you know, many of us start to really feel about sweetness, and in

start to create the new story that we’re creating together from that place.

It’s so beautiful to feel the sweetness. When we’re talking about evolution of consciousness,

this is a pretty lofty concept really on one level, but on another level to frame that

in terms of awareness around things like mycilium networks, it’s so grounded, and I’m

really, I’m struck by your approach to a changing consciousness, and where do you think

we’re headed? What do you foresee as possible?

I love some of the conversations we were having prior to the tape going on.

Yeah, it’s so beautiful. Well, I think the timelines are, you know, I think before, I

was born in 1965, so we would think of the future, right, it would be in 30 years or 40

years, it would be right now, you know, we would have at least different visions of the future,

but I think everything is transforming so quickly, right now that the future becomes six

months, it becomes tomorrow, it becomes three years, it becomes five years, and I think,

you know, we’re very much as a culture, as a species in this present moment of the

decisions that we make right now are really seeding as they always do the future in this

place and way of interconnectivity, but we, what I would love is that, say, if we look

out in three years that we are well on our way to creating regenerative communities and networks

of communities, you know, this web of a farm permaculture communities that we were talking

about, an integration, it’s not like the end of cities or something, but an integration

of life in the city with life back to the land that, that we’re well on our way as a people

to doing that. And it’s a lot of work, it’s like growing the garden. I’ve been working

with the gardens at Ryan Valley Farm now slowly, and, you know, we’re coming into our

fifth year, I’m just learning, you know, and I grew up with milk in the goat when I was

a kid in seasonal gardens in Southern California, so there is some small understanding, but

I, you know, it’ll take time, but we’ll be growing our garden together, humanity will be growing

their garden together, and I would love to see that. And in 20, 25 years, I would love

to see the rebirth of the species, you know, that is possible. And peace, you know, I think

right now, you know, more, many of this can be meditating or coming together and woman

circles, men circles, women and men circles, transgendered circles, all that aside,

it’s just in the human circles, and that we’re really holding that core essence pulse.

You know, Alma talks about, you know, to imagine all these, like, kind of like,

sweater petals, petals of light coming down, and just nectar of light coming and coming

into the heart of all beings on the planet. If we can have it from the buzz and have it

from below and have it flowering for it.

You know, so many traditions talk about light, and in the fairly well known western

Judeo-Christian creation story, the initial gesture of creation is light, but there

be light fiat looks, and light shows up in so many different traditions in so many different

ways. And we truly are light beings, and I don’t necessarily mean this in the metaphysical

sense, although that may also be true. Literally in the physical sense, we are

vibrational beings of light and other subatomic mysteries. We can call particles as a really

strange term to use. I love that term, excuse me, thank you.

Yeah, and there’s this quote I came across with the other day from Einstein about how we

are human beings, are each eternal vibrational beings cloaked in living miraculously complex

organisms of microbiology. And that’s science.

So the way we can come to understand light, and then work with it, it is what animates

life on the planet. Literally with the inbound solar photons coming in contact with the chlorophyll

and photosynthesizing plants, that’s what kicks off this whole chain of life on Earth, on Gaia.

So what might you share with us about light that not giving it all away from the book, but what is

that for you? And how does that play into your day-to-day week-to-week practices?

It is interesting, I love that you’re asking this because over the last month or two, I’ve

really put more of a focus, even just on how to really maintain the vibrational frequency

of this material body. And in a lot of different ways, just over the arc of as a female,

going through menopause, so that’s the interesting initiation because all of a sudden,

like in adolescence, you receive a new body. So it’s this wonderful opportunity to like,

okay, I have a new physical body, certainly biochemically, right? Like how do I start to rebuild that up?

And the way that I’m approaching it is how do we build it up with really, you know,

in the oftentimes, like a sutra and the mayan, if the mayan and texts,

they talk about the Buddha body, really being as you’re discussing, as you were saying,

this body of light. So how can I start to daily rebuild the frequency of the light

self? And in practice, in the farm, I try to walk in the first thing in the morning,

in the forest, and they’ve done studies where, you know, most of these have been done

in Germany and Japan. These stories says that when people are in the forest,

it actually increases what they call the, this is kind of a strengthening for it,

the killer cells. But what it is, is your immune system. It’s the protection system

that’s there on each one of the cells. There’s this kind of like a round of think

of cells that will keep the cells healthy. So 40% if you’re in the forest,

those increase their efficiency of 40%. I walk in the forest, I then starting

to, and my morning coffee, take a very specific medicinal mushroom mixtures,

and roots, ashwagandha, chalga, lion’s name. It’s very, very, onlyopathic amines,

which is for women watching, I found that that has been very affected. This is maybe

more, I actually, you know, in menopause you can start to float, and the body feels

very strange, but it’s just over a year’s course that balanced it out. I naturally

launched like 15 pounds that I had gained from like information that was happening

just by doing that without dieting. And then I meditate every day and really work

with, you know, this understanding of the light body here, but also it’s

interconnectivity with all of Gaia. And there’s, you know, some specific Gaia

meditations that really work with microcosm and the macrocosm, and a daily

prayer of gratitude, due gratitude. So important. And lots of times of

left-run, good food, growing food, using vegetables.

Yeah, yeah. Creating, yeah. I love the gratitude.

The gratitude is clean, right? You know, we have this precious life, this precious

incarnation. You know, how do we use it for the benefit of all beings and the benefit

of life? I’ve heard it said, and it may be a stretch for some of my friends

out there who are taking steps toward a way of experiencing reality, but I’ve

heard it said that to experience being a human on planet Earth from a cosmic

perspective is like winning the cosmic lottery. And apparently I’ve heard it said

that there are lots and lots of beings who would just love to have this experience.

Yeah. And sure, it’s hard. There’s so much challenge and strife and hardships

that we can encounter here. Yeah, it’s such an exquisite direct experience

of the magnificence of a creative divine force. And one with which we each

get to participate and play. Yeah. What a joy. Oh my goodness gracious.

It’s so amazing, right? Yeah. And it’s such, I think one of the, the, the gifts

the quest that we have right now is how, how do we bring light to material

form? And I think in many ways, you know, and certainly there’s exceptions like

Einstein in all his transmission, or even the, you know, this interesting

was the beginning of the last century, a lot of impressionist artists, you know,

Ben Gole, Monet, were really seen matter and light coming together. But right now,

I think we are at this point, how do we bring more light, more understanding

of that to material reality? Because there can be a density that I think this

idea has cultivated. Yeah. You know, what’s real is real, what’s not real

is not real. And I think that That was there for a lot of the 20th century, you know, and even, you know, that sort of overall

industrial revolution, there was a density to it.


And so, as we reanimate, you know, our perception, our experience and material reality, we can

begin also to reanimate and, you know, re-vivify ourselves, our culture, and what it is to

be here.

I love this reanimation and re-vivication, it’s so related to a lot of the community mobilization

work that we’re doing with the wine and earth community and, of course, so many different

organizations and people are mobilizing now worldwide around specific, simple things

like planting trees, like composting, like regenerating soil.

And oddly enough, we may not always think of these things in such a manner, but what that

is is working with light, working with life force, working with living creatures.

And again, at the super microscopic scale, what’s happening is all kinds of light transmission

is underway.

We can’t necessarily see, of course, what we see is such a thin, small part of the total

spectrum of light, but right outside the window here is Central Park.

We have this exquisite view and what’s going on out there with all those living trees

and organisms in the soil and squirrels and pigeons is a massive orchestra light.

It’s so amazing.

And in these trees down in Central Park, they work overtime.

I was talking with my husband and I was saying, they’re like the booties at this tree

down there.

They’re like, really?

You can’t feel it when you’re down there with them and they’re so gorgeous, but you go,

oh man, you know, compared to like, you know, they chose a little, I mean, we can be

fascist all about this.

We just kind of play along with this group of, you know, they chose the incarnation to really

be there for all the people and the city and they could have been in like a deep forest


But they’re out there doing so good.

I love them.

Yeah, it’s really, it’s amazing, it’s really amazing.

I know a few of our audience knows that I lived in New York City when I was in my late

teenage years and I would get up to the park as often as possible.

It was really, in a sense, my only refuge here and for us who are doing a lot of this

regeneration work, I hear over and over that it’s so essential that we’re connecting with

nature, with living green beings on a regular basis.

And I know with the farm upstate, you have the opportunity to do that in a really profound

and exquisite way and I’m wondering if you might share a bit about Rhine Valley Farm

and when I looked on the website, it is so beautiful.

That one image of the woman in the water has been with me for a couple of days.

I mean, it’s really striking.

Could you share with us a bit about the farm and what goes on there?

It sounds like a lot of beautiful things are on your way.

Thank you.


Well it’s a family farm and it’s collectively held with my husband and my husband’s children

who are not there but they found the property together originally.

And now we have two other families living on it, it’s 240 acres, four water, a couple

of different biomes like the A-fields and it really has become this sanctuary where we

end up almost every weekend, we have people coming up and going for walks, there’s five

miles of trails, there’s a small biodynamic garden which was started and really cultivated

by Zach Wolff who is a well-known, he lives on the property as well as down in Tennessee

with Cainport Arms, I think that’s the name of it, down in Tennessee.

But when there’s been, there’s regenerative farming but it really is sanctuary and people

will be in tears walking in forests and we’re starting to open up to many more people

coming there at this time.

The first five years have really been just listening to the land and what she wants and

people would ask, what are you going to do with it, what are your plans and we’ve been

tending it but also really listening, there’s the main house was built in 1788 originally

at in, there’s historical barns in fact where I think at this moment there’s a big, the

Hudson Valley Historical Barn Association where the featured barn, they’re showing many

barns but the, the big party is, is that, is that our place at the end, so far, like

too many people, I think they’ve ten, you’re in the Hudson Valley County.

What date is it?

Because we don’t know exactly when this will air, but it’s October 5th on Saturday.

October 5th is going to be October 5th, this is the year 2019 for those of you who want

that reference.

And you can come to the side and if you’re in the area come, I mean it’s, you know, it’s,

what we’re finding is where we’re talking is that there’s a lot of these, I would say

like there’s, over the last five or six years about the same time that we had the farm

is, there’s almost like, you can think of this like a web or a network of areas of like,

we have 240 acres, there’s another property of 140, same almost at least larger properties

that are being intentionalized as regenerative communities throughout the Hudson Valley.

And with people that are also understanding the, the energetic of a prayer and, you know,

intention of co-creation with the land.

And, yeah, it’s a very exciting place to be right now.

It’s so fabulous.

I’m, I can’t wait to get up and visit and to hear about what’s happening in the region

is, it’s just beautiful and brilliant and it’s an impulse, it seems that it is awakening

in so many different regions around this continent, certainly, and worldwide, it seems

probably for sure. And again, it’s RhineValleyFarm.com.

I would just also say quickly that for me, I mean a lot of my work, I tend to be someone

who’s traveled into the future a lot through, you know, imagination and through writing

and certainly travel along the, around the planet.

But the work right now with this being with Gaia and being able to be a communicator

about Gaia is, it’s so essential to ground the theory, to ground the vision, to ground

the more esoteric experience in the day to day of, of tending the land, of being in the

soil, of walking through the forest on her, of being in gratitude daily to mother earth

herself in a very practical way. And so I find it’s essential and I’ve just encouraged

anyone, you know, maybe it’s the park around the corner from you, maybe it’s, you have

a tree in your yard or in your neighbor’s yard or at the front of your apartment building

or you can just put your hand on the bar and say thank you, you know, wherever you

can find her, just that connection of gratitude for her, it is so essential to, I feel like

next stage of evolution without that become a different species. I mean, we don’t become

a earthbound species. Yeah, I’ve heard years ago was at a permaculture design course

workshop in New Mexico. And we had an elder visit from Hobie lands and share a part of

the Hobie prophecies with us. And there is an image in the pictographic storytelling

that’s been handed down through many generations that has in two paths for humanity in these

times. And one is humanity choosing to reengage in a respectful gratitude love based stewardship

based way with guy with mother earth. And the other goes off into this, it’s not quite

clear, maybe techno space, something, something else that’s not any longer connected with earth.

And it seems, according to many of these wisdom traditions, what we have in front of us

very much is a matter of choice and our choosing. And it’s part of why we came up with the

name Y honor. There’s this Pythagorean Y symbol. Oh, yeah. The Pythagorean Y symbol from

Middle Ages Y honor that speaks to the accumulation of our decisions. And what a joy that we have

so much empowerment. We have access to information that kings and potentates a few centuries ago

could hardly imagine. And so we truly have the ability to choose. And yeah, that comes with

some responsibility. And my hope, and I know it’s a shared hope that a critical mass of us is now

choosing this relationship with our living mother earth.

Greta Tharnberg. Yeah, Greta. Millions and hundreds of millions, a pair of multi-generational,

but you know, young people that really multi-generational making that choice. And it’s, there’s so much

help. Help and help. Thank you. Yeah, and you’re talking about Prophecy Rock. I’ve actually been there at

Hopi, at the Rock. I was there with Randy Hayes. I think I have a picture of myself there somewhere.

Okay, well, if we can, if we can track it down, maybe we can include it in the, in the, in the

posting, that would just be so beautiful to see. Just before I said. Yeah, I just, I want to share

something just on this topic of the, the practical. And I love it. Same route as practice. This is

practice. And the last several days, here we are in New York City. This is a few days after the

big climate march that occurred on September 20th. And that morning, we did a biodynamic ceremonial

stir and blessing at the Union Theological Seminary. And we actually carried some of that with us

down to Battery Park, where so many of these young leaders spoke about the imperative of acting for

climate at this time. And since then, we’ve done a handful of other very simple ceremonies. There

was one just the other day in Soho, where we had a tree. There were about eight of us. And you know,

how there’s a bit of a box in the concrete sidewalk with some soil. And we, we were there for a

few moments and we prayed. It was very powerful. And we shared some of the biodynamic microorganisms

with that tree. And yesterday, as we were walking away from the United Nations building, we did

another blessing. And we connected with a number of trees walking toward the west away from,

from the UN building. This is, it’s probable that people around us had no idea what we were doing.

It doesn’t have to be big and flashy. It’s, it’s really about those, the small beautiful gestures

of gratitude and practice that each of us can choose to incorporate every day. And the good,

amazing side effect is our own experience, our own quality of life,

becomes so much better. Better, it’s better.

Don’t feel compassionate, at least do it for a selfish reason, pass this compassion because

you’re going to feel better. Right? You know, it’s kind of like the start, the start of a kid for

doing compassion. But I think it’s very similar to what you’re saying is this gratitude for the

years. And it is really, though, how can we not? You know, she’s so wondrous. I love, I, you know,

I’ve spent most of my life either overseas or in California. So I’m really enjoying

for seasons. And just that, you know, when you finally get into, you know, the last

parts of, you know, mid-march or so, and you go, you know, winter, you’re, you’re ready for the

new and then you start to see spring. And then there’s just this gratitude of like, oh my God,

she’s going to bloom for us again. And my own life, God is how she does bloom. And she stood,

I last year I was in tears. I go, she’s, she’s giving us all this beauty and the company again.

I mean, it’s truly miraculous. Yes. Especially when you’ve seen this darkness of winter, right?

Mm-hmm, absolutely. But she, she blossomed for us again.

Hmm, love this. Let me take a quick pause and remind our audience that this is the Why on Earth

communities stewardship and sustainability podcast series. And today we are visiting with Sarah

Drew, the author of Gaia Codex. And I want to be sure to give a quick shout out to our sponsors

who make this series as well as our community mobilization work possible. And they include

Patagonia, Walei Waters, Purium, Earth Coast Productions, Madera Outdoor, the Association of

Waldorf Schools of North America, the International Society of Sustainability Professionals,

and the Lidge Family Foundation. So thanks to all of you for your support. And of course,

a very special thank you to all of you in the Why on Earth community who have joined our monthly

giving program. And if you haven’t yet joined and you would like to, you can go to why on earth.org

slash support or just go to the homepage and click on the donate button. When you join the monthly

giving program at any level, I’ll send you an email with a code so that you can download

unlimited copies of all our e-book and audio book resources so that you can share these with

your friends, your family, your colleagues to help spread this kind of information to folks

and communities all over. And I want to also mention to get more information about Sarah and

about Gaia Codex. You can go to GaiaCodex.com. You can go to SarahDrew.net and to check out beautiful

images and learn more about the farm, you can go to RyanValleyFarm.com. And I want to ask, I have a

couple, I don’t know if burning is the right term to use because one’s about water. I want to ask

a couple questions. And one is about water. And the other is about your experience as a woman.

I think in these times as we’re healing, we’re working to heal, heal on the planet, heal

ourselves inside out and heal in the masculine, feminine balance. I think we probably have a

real need and opportunity to learn more about other experiences. And I’m so struck as you shared

earlier about this transitional process to menopause. And that as a big pillar, a big marker

after the earlier transition into womanhood, what is that journey in that arc? Like we share for us

guys who don’t have that experience. I feel again that I’m a neophyte in some ways. It’s very

fresh for me that certainly there’s women who have taken it also down into the arc of chrome.

But given that, I feel like I have gone on the other edge of an initiation with it, which has

been very powerful. And again, the analogy, like I was saying, of that you’re gaining a new body,

but also a physical body, but also within that, that, you know, the soul is being reborn and

rebirthed. And I feel there’s a deep shedding that happens, you know, it’s within the initiation

process. And it tremendous amount of freedom and empowerment of self, you know, that I experienced

within that. I feel, you know, in that continuum, then the, I’m 54 right now. So, you know, the chrome,

I always love the chrome energy. Even when I was a girl, I would, you know, imagine myself hugging

my, my crown self, which would be older than I am now. And it’s really having that deep

connection. I, I access her a lot. There’s a character in the biocodex, the old woman, who I love.

Her name is just old woman. He’s a very much in touch with that part. I think, I think there’s

an upswell right now around menopause and women in that. It’s been something that for many

generations, it wasn’t talked about. And it was almost, it was a silent and maybe a shameful

thing. It’s something that wasn’t seen as a right-of-passage. And I think more and more women now

are giving it on as a right-of-passage to being the, the leaders, the respected leaders of our time.

There’s a Margaret Atwood was on the cover of Tiny Disney. I think this month for her new book

coming out. And it’s, if you, I don’t have a picture of it right here, just a digital one,

but it’s such a beautiful archetypal rendition of the chrome. She’s there at 80 years old. She’s

there in white robes and white and red robes on her throne. And I think the title, you know, says

something that the reluctance here, something along that’s not maybe not the exact words.

But to me, she represents, you know, the wise, wise woman that has been so missing in our culture.

And I think we’re going to be seeing more of that and that transitioning of the word

creme. I mean, it really means crowning, right? It means taking on the full crowning of a queen

and not in the popular, like, but of being a wise leader. And, you know, I also hope and support

that for our men, you know. And, you know, we talked about this a little bit earlier, but where we have

a wise man who will really come into the fullness of being kings and not, you know, warrior bandits.

Who have grabbed power, but the true wise men and, you know, maybe, and maybe there’s hope,

these generations that are outposting, you know, there are wise and so many ways, you know,

hold that timeless wisdom. I mean, we start to really birth, you know, wise men and wise women

who are there and service to all beings in all life. Oh, who to that? Yeah. Well, and I’d love to

ask you also, perhaps as a way to wind up our conversation for today about water. And this

image, again, that’s on the website of the farm shows a woman submerging into the water, iconic

imagery going back to some of our Celtic stories and others all around the world. What’s your

connection with the water, like, and what is that for you? Well, as people who know who come

visitors at the farm and it’s warm, it can mean going naked in the water, so it goes with me.

It really, it feels like the, the lookster of life to dip in like that, to feel her,

and of course, we’re, you know, humans, we’re 70% water, the water, the plant, you’ve planted

is 70% water, we’re a water planet, we don’t live without water. That’s why it’s so

egregious when we fear of our present administration talking about releasing, you know, restrictions

that prevented the floating of waters and opening them up, so it’s okay to believe the waters.

It’s crazy. It’s, it’s, it’s, I don’t, it makes me cry.

And, and it’s, this is why I say in many ways we have at this point,

adolescent, and I mean, adolescent is in the right way, because there’s many wise adolescents

right now, but we, it’s a very young mindset to think that you can destroy the environment around

you. And, I would even suggest that mental illness has many forms. Thank you. And in our culture,

we’re suffering from a profound psychological pathology. Yeah. And this is at the core of our healing

work. You know, thank you. Yeah. I can’t, I’m so, so happy we’re here doing this interview. And that

that so many of us are coming together right now, and giving the opportunity to do this work,

and to do it in service, and to have an incarnation and lifetime, or we can be in service to this,

this, this, this, this to my goodbye and this great creation that’s meaningful to us. Yeah.

Yeah, absolutely. Well, I’m so grateful and filled with joy that we have this opportunity to connect

and to visit today and to share our conversation with so many friends out there. And, as we’re

wrapping up. I’m wondering is there anything else that you’d like to share with us about

you, about your book, anything you’d like to share with the White Honors community?

What could do the standard thing and say please, you know, join our community on the website

and on social media and there’s a lot that is going to be happening over the next year

both in the community gathering and both in some forms of the media that I’ll be doing out.

But I’m with your acquiesce. I would love just to at least sing a short prayer.

Please, I’ll be wonderful.

May all beings be happy. May all beings be free.

And we have this time here that we’ve had the gracious opportunity to have ripple out and touch any beings now and through time.

The White Honors community stewardship and sustainability podcast series is hosted by Aaron William Perry,

author, thought leader and executive consultant. The podcast and video recordings are made possible by the generous support of people like you.

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