Dr. Dana McGrady, Doctor of Oriental and Homeopathic Medicine, discusses the chronic diseases plaguing our society as a result of poor gut health – from joint pain and inflammation to eczema, digestive maladies, and even cancer. Citing Hippocrates’ 2,500 year-old wisdom, “all disease begins in our gut,” Dr. McGrady discusses the adverse impacts of poisonous chemicals in our food system, and their devastating cumulative effects on the living microbiome in our digestive systems. She also provides solutions: the Purium regime of probiotic, plant based, organic supplements and nutrition packs. With their special “Purium Gives” campaign, you can get amazing deals on your Purium orders while also supporting the Y on Earth Community’s non-profit work! Be sure to use the code: YONEARTH at ishoppurium.com to take advantage of this amazing opportunity for enhanced health, well-being, stewardship and sustainability!
(Automatically generated transcript for search engine optimization and reference purposes – grammatical and spelling errors may exist.)
Welcome to the YonEarth Communities Stewardship and Sustainability podcast series.
Today we have with us our guest Dr. Dana McGrady, high Dr. Dana.
Welcome to our show.
I’m excited.
I can’t wait.
Let’s get this party started.
Well, I’m really excited as well and in part because we have some really special offers
and giveaways for our audience today, compliments of Dr. Dana.
So thank you for that, Dr. Dana, we’ll be talking about that shortly.
And before we get started with our conversation, I just want to let our audience know a little
bit about you.
Dr. Dana McGrady is a doctor of Oriental Medicine and Mama to three little ones.
She specializes in nutrition, homeopathy, and electrical medicine.
She has been helping people live their best and happiest life with optimal nutrition for
15 years.
She studies at the Florida College of Integrative Medicine and has two clinic locations in Florida
and is also a top network marketing leader and field advisory board member for her company
She is a powerful and magnetic coach, mentor and author.
She is madly in love with her life and in equal parts, loves helping people get physically
and financially healthy.
Absolutely wonderful.
It’s so great to have this opportunity to talk with you today.
I’m excited.
I really jived with the mission behind your nonprofit and the education that you give with
your podcast.
I would definitely write up my alley.
I’m excited to be invited on.
I know there’s quite a bit we’re excited to talk about today and share with our audiences.
I thought as a way to kick it off, just getting right down in dirty, why don’t we talk about
leaky gut and why is leaky gut something that more and more of us in our culture is thinking
about and what is it we can be doing about issues like leaky gut and some of these other
health issues that so many of us are facing.
Yeah, so 3000 years ago, Hippocrates said all disease begins in the gut and he was right.
And so now we are living in a country that has scientifically made a lot of our food.
We spray poison on our food to kill the weeds or the bugs, but what it does is it kills
our microbiome, which is our gut lining, right, our protective netting around our stomach
and our intestinal wall.
So what happens is that after years of over antibiotic use, alcohol, acidic food and too
many pesticides in our food, non-organic food, right, what happens is that it wrecks that
gut lining.
And you actually get this netting that this is a healthy netting in your microbiome,
but what happens is it starts opening up and you start getting holes in that net.
So whereas a healthy gut, the holes in the netting will be two to seven microns, right?
So tiny, tiny, tiny, and it opens up and it becomes anywhere from 200 to 300 microns.
That’s how big the holes can get.
So when the holes are that big, what happens is things start leaking through, right, because
it’s the name, leaky gut.
So when things start leaking through, like gluten, which is the protein that’s in wheat or
different chemicals that we’re ingesting alcohol again, a lot of prescription drugs,
they get into the bloodstream and they’re not supposed to be in the bloodstream, right?
It’s supposed to be protected and safely out, gone out of your body like waste and digested.
And it’s not when, when that happens, it actually disrupts the body’s waste and methylation
And when they get into the bloodstream, it creates this systemic blood inflammation that
leaks up the spine, affects the thyroid first, so how many of you have heard of a low
thyroid, right?
So it affects the thyroid first, creates an implant for response in the thyroid, and then
goes on to create joint aches and pains, inflammation of the joints, goes on to create skin conditions
like eczema psoriasis, and think about the skin as your largest organ, things are leaking
into the bloodstream that are not supposed to be there, they’re going to try to come out
to skin, right?
The whole is open up in your pores and try to let toxins out.
So when your body becomes this inflammation, you know, it becomes this inflammatory response,
then that’s the beginning stages of autoimmune.
And so we’ve got really is the root cause of autoimmune, and there is really a few simple
solutions, and I’m excited to talk about the solutions on this podcast too.
We’re not just going to gloom and doom you, we’re going to let you know if that’s been
happening to you, bloating, foods and fatalities, feeling super sensitive to chemicals, and also
joint aches and pains, fatigue, low thyroid, low metabolism, gaining weight, easy, just feeling
inflamed and bloated, if that’s the case, then we have an often solution for you later
on in the podcast.
And we’re actually giving away that solution today, which is really exciting.
It’s super exciting, I’m so thrilled we have this opportunity to share these solutions
with folks.
And before getting into some of that, I’m wondering, let’s talk a little more about this
It’s amazing to me that in our human body, we have an estimated trillion plus cells
and that the vast majority of those are not human DNA, not human cells, but other tiny,
tiny critters living inside of us.
And I know more and more folks are becoming aware of this.
And my sense is that as most of us as a significant majority or tipping point of us in our culture
really come to understand this, it will help us transform our food system, our own health
and even our stewardship of land and soil, water and atmosphere.
And this microbiome, all these little critters, we can’t see them, but they’re there.
What can you share with us about this reality?
Well, the one thing I know, after being a holistic doctor for 15 years, it’s all about finding
the root cause, find the root cause, and turn the body’s healing right on.
And then the body can start to reverse that disease that’s starting to form, right, because
the body knows how to heal itself.
And we often lose sight of that.
We often lose sight of the fact that the body knows how to heal itself when given the
right nutrition and when taking the toxins out.
So why on earth is a nonprofit that really is all about making sure the soil is healthy,
So one thing that creates a disruptive soil is when they’re spraying pesticides that
are cancer causing and they seep into the soil and they stay there, right?
And I know you know a lot about this.
So those same pesticides that interrupt the healthy atmosphere of the soil do the same
thing to your microbiome in your gut length.
So one that particularly is disruptive to the microbiome is actually called glyphosate.
And glyphosate is the number one ingredient in the weed killer roundup.
And I know you guys have seen roundup, you know?
I’m sure you’ve seen the news lately that it’s the World Health Organization labeled it
as a cancer cause or glyphosate.
The state of California has glyphosate band and also has it labeled as a, that it causes
cancer and it causes birth defects.
And yet they’re spraying it at an alarming rate in all of the foods in the USA, particularly
on wheat.
So often people say you don’t have a gluten allergy, you actually have a glyphosate allergy.
Your body just is allergic to poison.
So your body knows what it’s doing by trying to reject the toxins that are in the food.
And so the other thing is, if your body is perfectly and wonderfully made, if you could
clear out the glyphosate out of your microbiome, right, cause it actually stays.
It stays in there.
And I don’t know about other doctors that might be listening to this podcast, but me particularly
in the last five years, I’ve had a crazy rise in all of the gut diseases, right?
So we know we’ve got obviously, but also all of the gut cancers, liver cancer, stomach
cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, and it’s all linked to that microbiome and also
linked to the body’s ability to be able to absorb and assimilate nutrition.
Because it’s not what you eat that matters, it’s what you absorb that matters.
And so when you have glyphosate line in your microbiome lining, it actually messes with
your ability to absorb nutrition.
If you stop absorbing essential nutrients needed for happiness, for losing weight, for
sleep, for assimilating your vitamins, it just messes with the whole system, your gut,
your gut is a perfect system.
And so it disrupts that and when that happens, disease starts to form.
Obviously, little things like your skin’s not as pretty and you gain weight easier and
you’re not as happy, right, because your happy brain chemicals produced in your gut are
toned in.
And so obviously, those little things disrupt everyday happiness, but honestly, long-term
is where I’m thinking, long-term, if we keep spraying our food of poison into disrupting
our soil, then it turns and disrupts our microbiome, then long-term, we’re going to have even
more of a rise in all of those stomach cancers that are very aggressive.
And so I feel like as a society, if we educate ourselves, if we recognize the need for
good nutrition, and if we recognize the need to clear out that toxin, obviously ban
it from being sprayed on our food, but cleared out of our bodies on a daily basis with nutrition,
that way we can at least protect ourselves and our family and our loved ones, our besties,
our neighbors, our tribe, you know, and make sure that everyone around us is safe and
taken care of, the, you know, knowledge is power in that way.
Absolutely. And it’s such a powerful message, right, in terms of taking care of ourselves,
our loved ones, our communities. And one of the things many of my friends and colleagues
are working with on the soil and agricultural side of the coin is that if we stop spraying
these poisons on our land, we’re not only going to stop poisoning ourselves, we’re also
going to reverse, we’re going to stop these trends that are contributing to climate change.
And, you know, we’re living in a reality where we’ve been spraying toxic chemicals on landscapes
for about a century. The progeny of all of this is very connected to the conditions and
chemical weapons manufacturing industry that got going in World War I and World War II.
And we’ve essentially been conducting it all out assault on land and on ourselves with
this chemical warfare that we’ve been calling agriculture. And it’s time to stop. It’s
not easy. It’s that simple. And one of the beautiful things I find having a background
in the food and agriculture world is that those business models are incredibly susceptible
to marginal movements and consumer demand. So as each of us, as each of our families is
choosing some more organic food, is choosing some clear healthier foods for ourselves. That
is actually sending incredibly powerful signals into the marketplace, into the global economy,
saying we want more stewardship, sustainability, health and well-being in our world right now.
And I just, I love the way in which you’re articulating this fact that we have allergies to
poisons. And there’s so much we can be doing in our own lives. And I know that with your company
Purium, we have some amazing offers, giveaways and information to share with folks. It is also part
of our strategy to deal with this reality that we’re living with right now. So can you tell us a
bit about this exciting news we have to share with our audience today? Yeah. So I love like getting
free stuff. I don’t know about you, but I love to heal my body, but even better when it’s free,
right? So that’s always awesome. And then for those that don’t get it free, because one person
is going to win a 40-day nutritional transformation program, which I personally am into my second
week now doing it, rocking it out for 2019, cleaning up my skin and getting my belly flat. And
so if you’re feeling like you just need to clean out your insides, your insides need a shower,
right? And flesh it all out. And that’s what that program for. And then we’re also giving away
a bottle of organic 1500 milligrams CBD oil, which is incredible for stress and anxiety. We’re
going to talk about that. So we’re giving away that for for free to one listener and we’re giving
away a 40-day organic nutritional reboot program. Everything for you in a box just add organic
fruits and veggies to the program. You’re full. You’re happy. I’m drinking my green drink right now.
And so that I’m excited about because I feel like not only is Y-Energ doing so much good for the
world at the non-profit program, you’re also going to be giving promo codes to all of your listeners
to make sure that they get a discount, they get afford the nutrition for their family,
and then also all proceeds are going to Y-Energ to make sure that education is readily available
and that you guys can do more good on the earth. You know, thank you so much. It’s such an amazingly
generous gift that you’re giving away these freebies and that Purium has this whole program called
Purium Gives that is helping to support non-profits like Y-Energ. So I want to encourage our
audience for a variety of great reasons to check all of this out. You can go to iShopPurium.com.
We’ll have spelling in the show notes for you. You can use the code Y-Energ to get
special deals and to make sure that some of those proceeds are going to the non-profit to all the
work we’re doing throughout society. And with these two giveaways, this 40-day ultimate nutrition pack
and the CBD offer, what you can do is like the podcast and connect with me through social media
or email there are plenty of ways to make that happen. And we will announce the winners over the next
couple of weeks and it’ll be so exciting to be able to share that with everybody. And it’s just
such a wonderful indication Dr. Dana of the ethics that come from of Purium with everything you
all are doing. I’ve been enjoying the biomedic over the last several weeks, which is not only packed
with nutrition from organic fruits and vegetables, but also has probiotic critters,
the the basilis probiotic critters for the gut. And I have to say I notice this is enhancing
my quality of life. And I eat really well and I exercise them. I’m a deep believer in our
stewardship of ourselves in terms of cultivating health and wellbeing. I see this is really
enhancing my my program personally. And what you all are doing in terms of supporting nonprofits
like Why On Earth Community is just beautiful. And so thank you for that. You’re welcome. You’re
welcome. I actually can’t take any of the credit for it. I love it. I was the total supporter and
on board as a field advisory board member, but our owners Dave Sanneval and Amy Gunner, they have
really, really good about giving it charities and making sure that people that are really like
yourself really doing good in the world that are putting yourself out there that are it’s a lot
of effort. It’s not easy what you do. And so they’re making sure that you guys benefit and that
your charity can be benefit because ultimately we know that you’re just going to put it back into
the charity and be able to build bigger and help you know more people and impact more lives and get
more people healthy. And that’s all that matters honestly. Yeah, it’s really true. You know,
this past year we were able to reach over 2,000 people in communities all across the country. We
ended up giving about 63 talks and workshops. And this year, 2019, we’re planning to do a fewer
number, but with each one reaching many, many more people and are deepening our ambassador program
in other ways that we can not only engage with folks in communities all over, but really maintain
that ongoing connection and relationship for day by day and week by week activity and activism
in our communities all over. And that has so much to do with what we’re doing with soil, what we’re
doing with our gardens, food, nutrition, and so forth. And I was really struck when I first heard
about Purium that you all have direct farmer relationships with many of the products that are
going into these products that we can use. And can you tell us a bit about that? That to me is
so important. Yeah, so it’s not necessarily what’s in the ingredients. It’s what’s not in the
ingredients, right? So you’re not going to ever find any preservatives. You’re never going to
find any anything bad. You’re not going to find anything you can’t pronounce. You’re going to
find wheat grass, so it grass, alfalfa, barley grass, all of the high super foods that keep our
bodies running that most of us aren’t getting, right? And that’s just in one green shape, right?
That I’m drinking right now. Cheers. Cheers. So the fact of matter is what I fell in love with with
Purium, not only date Santa Claus formulators minds because he really is a genius. The way he
formulates his products, he formulated microbi, or the biomedic, which is probably one of our biggest
team, change your products ever because all these begins in the gut, right? But anyway, so he,
I fell in love with his mind and how smart he was and everything made sense. And
and everything turned the body feeling right on, right? Turns on our biggest defense.
But I also really love the integrity, the long standing relationships with organic farms.
We’ve been in business almost 26 years. They had relationships with organic farmers before
organic farming was cool, right? Before, you know, they really were pioneers in the industry.
So now that all these bigger companies, like you said, people vote with their dollars,
and the industries really take notice. So all the big money businesses are doing what they can
lays turns to organic Doritos has organic chips now. You know, I mean, like they’re realizing that
people want that organic symbol, but they’re not going to be able to use a lot of the USA organic
farms because Purium has longest standing relationships with those farms. So they’re turning away
big companies because we’re growing so rapidly, which is really, I think, really awesome, honestly.
It’s it’s all about relationships among and between people, organizations, and of course,
the land itself. That’s incredible. Can you tell us a little more about this this 40 day
ultimate nutrition? How does it work? I’m not a person who’s done a lot of these in my life,
and I’m struck by, you know, this we’re giving away something that has a $400 value. That’s amazing.
What does that what does that look like for 40 days? So a little birdie told me and that you’re
going to be doing a 40 day cramp for me. I’ll be sharing a little with folks about that. Yeah, I’m
looking for you. So that’s exciting. I can’t wait for you to document it. It’s going to be really
good. I mean, you’re just going to feel like on top of the world literally. So the way that it
works is there is a 30 day nutritional program called the core four, and that’s the the biomedic,
the green shake, the power shake. You get your vegan protein, which is your super amino that has
some in my bag. And then you, I think there’s a third, I think a pocket cherry. A pocket cherry is
your mottrancy tart cherry. So you’re getting food source, all super foods, all for all have a
place and a reason on what it does in your body. So that’s your daily nutrition. It covers your
protein fruits and veggies and your any high antioxidant and your gut health, right? Then we go into
a 10 day transformation reboot. And that’s what I’ve been doing for the last almost two weeks. The
10 day transformation reboot is three shakes a day. Your vegan protein aminos three times a day.
You’re doing your biomedic morning and night. You’re doing your pocket cherries. Your night time
drinks because it cleans out your liver while you’re sleeping and gives you melatonin and
it’s anti-inflammatory. So you just, what happens is you eat a lot of food, but you’re eating fresh
fruits and veggies. You’re not eating any inflammatory foods. There’s not going to be any sugar,
alcohol, dairy, gluten, anything like that. You really simplify. And that’s not to make you scared.
It actually is a refreshing break. It’s a break from processed foods, right? Because we have
chemical bombardment on our food source, right? And our food supply. And so it gives your body a
break from all the preservatives and the food source chemicals that are added to our foods.
And you feel lighter and you feel your bloating goes away. And you suddenly are sleeping through
the night like a rock and you wake up refreshed and jumping out of bed and excited for what you
have to do. You’ve been kind of tell, I’m like an energizer body. You know what I mean? You’re basically
feeling the best you could ever, like it’s the best your body’s made to feel if that makes sense.
And if you’re a person that’s really battling fatigue or some kind of, you know, joint aches and
pains or chronic pain or, you know, all these things that really get people down and then or
things like depression or anxiety. People are really dealing with a lot of mental illness
nowadays because their microbiome is lost, right? And this program gets that gut lining to heal up,
thicken up. And what happens in 40 days is your body does a big cleaning out. It’s not scary,
it’s not like you’re running to the bathroom the whole time. You’re actually it’s a lighter feeling,
no brain fog. You feel like you can conquer the whole world. That’s basically the way to explain
it. And the program, if you order with why on our gift card code on iShopperium, you’re actually
going to get access. Aaron is totally hooking you guys up with access to health coaches that are
going to be doing a Facebook group coaching of everyone doing the 40 day program. And that’s
exciting to me because the accountability and the support will be there. And when that happens,
you’re not alone doing it, you’re feeling fabulous and you have backing by, you know, professional
that are used to coaching people through this type of program. So we’re, I’m going to start this
program early February, early mid, somewhere around that that first week or 10 days of February
is when I’m going to kick it off. And look, I take pretty good care of myself. I exercise pretty
well. I’d love to get out in the woods and get my hands in the soil. I’ve shared on a previous
podcast that I quit drinking in February of 2018. So don’t do a lot of dairy or sugar. That said,
I’m just so excited to see how this can help me go to this next level. And I was just at my
daughter’s clinic in St. Louis. And she ran some diagnostics on me. She thought that would be
fun to do. It’s a beautiful way that she shows her dad some love. And she said, Dad, you know,
we got to work on this belly fat. And I said, you know, I know. So I hope this will actually be.
Yeah, you’re right. Yeah, for sure. You know, that’s one thing I’ve always known is that toxins
from when you were a baby will hold up in your tissues, your muscles, your soft tissue,
your joints, right? Candida, parasites, bacteria, long sitting viruses that aren’t really supposed
to be there, but a bug in you know, those all kind of be, you know, if those get fleshed out,
you feel lighter, toxins can come out of your tissues. How about your lymphatic system? You know,
it just flooding your body with tons of super food nutrition and then eating cleaner.
It does wonders because you’re cleaning out the toxins, but at the same time, you’re nourishing
that nutrition that a lot of a certificate in nutrition. So even though you are like probably
healthier than the majority of people that do this program, I still think you’re going to feel
on top of the world. Well, I can’t wait. I’m all about things that help us feel younger,
and I remember hearing once somewhere along the way, if we can become more like children,
we’re probably on a on a right kind of trajectory as grown up. I want to just mention and
remind everybody that this is the Y on Earth communities stewardship and sustainability
podcast series. And today we have the great pleasure of talking with Dr. Dana McGrady from Purium.
And we are offering some amazing giveaways. Be sure to reach out to me like the podcast,
reach out to me through social media or email if you would like to be considered for this 40-day
ultimate nutrition pack giveaway. And also just want to mention as we always do to our podcast
audience, you can use the code Y on Earth for all of the iShopperium.com offers and you can use
the code podcast on Y on earth.org to get discounts on audiobooks, ebooks, and so forth.
Now, we’ve been talking some about this 40-day ultimate nutrition pack, and also additionally,
Dr. Dana is giving away a special CVD offer. And many of you know that we’ve got a great
relationship with waylay waters and some dear close friends make these handmade CVD bathing
salts that are really helping folks in a lot of ways deal with pain and sleeping issues and stress.
And so we know that CVD is helping more and more folks. And PuriumCVD, PuriumCVD.com
also is one of the ways you can take advantage of this amazing plant and all of its healing and
life enhancing properties and qualities. And we’re going to be given away a CVD package to some
lucky audience member as well. And Dr. Dana, can you tell us a little more about what you guys
are doing with the CVD and why your guy’s CVD product is so awesome?
Yes, I mean, I have to just say praise God for the fact that the 2018 Farmville got past.
That was amazing because it’s going to be even easier for us to grow the CVD hemp market.
Because what do I care about? I care about the medicinal benefits. I care about the fact that
this is a nutritional supplement that does not have any side effects that you can’t overdose on
compared to pharmaceuticals. And that has, you know, 70 different benefits. You know, it’s
miracle oil basically. And I think the biggest thing that people feel is they feel a sense of
being grounded, calm, right? They feel like if this calming go over their body,
we have CB receptor sites in our brain for pain and for anxiety. And so CBD is especially at the
milligram, 1,500 milligram that Periam offers is actually known to shut off those receptor sites
for pain and for anxiety. So when that happens, you can handle maybe what life throws at you because
how many people are bombarded with technology and stress and anxiety and mental illness. And so
if you have a natural, safe way to be able to, you know, maladies, they’re using CBD and pain
clinics. Like I actually have a ton of pain clinics on my team that you use Periam CBD and
they’re pain management centers because it helps people to get off their opioids, you know,
if they’re addicted to them. And so this is a really awesome alternative. And we’re given away a
bottle. It’s $129 value and we’re given an away free to one of your listeners. So I’m super excited
about that because I mean free CBD is even awesome. More awesome. And for those that want to try it,
you can go to Periam CBD.com. You can use promo code Yanner and you can get $50 off one bottle
or over $100 off a four pack and free shipping. Wonderful. What a great offer. Thank you for that.
Sorry. Oh, go ahead. What you’re saying? Almost going to say, I didn’t really know much about
CBD. You know, it kind of just came on the market. I don’t know if you guys really, I mean,
it kind of burst out there and they’re saying the growth of it is going to be so huge. But you,
there’s so many different ways you can use it. You can put it in a massage oil. You can make
put it into a tea and drink it as a CBD tea. Now I’m seeing like CBD bath bombs. But like massage
therapists will have an upcharge and put CBD into their massage lotion because topically it’s
so good for people with chronic pain or sports injuries. But I just love learning about it
as the fact that we have an indoor cannabinoid system built into our body and our body is made
to receive CBD. We actually have CBD receptor sites. And there’s naturally occurring CBD in
breast milk, which is so cool. You know, so him, there’s a really good source of CBD that’s really
safe and totally legal and a nutritional supplement. And it’s an awesome way to get all the
healing benefits. I always say that CBD raises the love vibration because it just makes you happy.
And so I think we need more happy in this world. Oh, no doubt about that. Yep. If we were all
focused on creating some more joy and happiness in the world, we might just end up where we’d like to.
Yeah. So I want to I want to ask you so you are a mother of three. You are a doctor and have so much
going on. And you are also an author and you’ve written a book Magnetic Soulpreneur. And I’m
really excited to share this with folks and tell us a bit about this. What can folks expect if they
check out your book? So I feel like we’re living in a social sharing economy world, right? We’re
live this is basically book about building an online nutritional business. And also healthy tips
for living your best life with, you know, for health, wellness, nutrition. And then how to build
a digital empire with an online nutritional business is called Magnetic Soulpreneur. How to build
your network of marketing business with heart and soul. How to lead a team. How to sell without
feeling like a salesman, right? Like feeling like you’re sharing what a passion is in your heart.
And just like different tips that I picked up along the way, I’m really proud of this book. I know
you have a book to Aaron. It’s true. Yes. That’s how we got all this started. Yep. I can’t
wait to read it. But I love it because it just gives us a voice and it gives us a way to educate
and add value to this world and hopefully if we just impact one life, then it’s all worth it.
Absolutely. You know, I do quite a bit of consulting work with executives, with entrepreneurs,
with leadership teams. And when we are doing good work that is truly grounded in a
ethic of stewardship. And when we’re doing great work to maintain healthy lifestyles and
keep our own stress levels low, then we are absolutely in a good position to scale the goodness
that we can offer to the world. And so I just love that you’re providing insights and information
to folks as to how they can scale goodness in their own ways with their own businesses and
enterprises and emissions. So excited to check your book out as well. And where can people go to
get your book or find out more information about it? They can actually go and get it for free,
just patience, if they go to MagneticSolepreneur.com. Very cool. I’m just writing that down.
Well, this has been such a wonderful conversation. And I feel like we’ve covered so much territory.
And I am just so overjoyed and sincerely hope that our audience has
gleaned several insights and pieces of information and even wisdom they can take with them
going forward. I just want to reiterate that we do have these giveaways. Be sure to
contact me if you want to participate in that. And be sure to check out iShopPurium.com and
use the code Y on earth to get all kinds of great deals and value there. And Dr. Dana, before we
sign off, I just I want to ask, is there anything else you’d like to share with our audience before
before we say goodbye for the moment? Yeah. I mean, one thing I would say is if you’re thinking about
getting healthy, don’t get overwhelmed with it. You know what I mean? I think a lot of people want
to get healthy. They want to lose 15 pounds. They want to, you know, improve their relationship with
their spouse or have a happier family life with their kids and taking all of that makes them
overwhelmed so they do nothing, right? And so add one simple thing, add a green shape, you know,
add, so with Purium, they have the core four daily nutrition. Add just those, you know, you don’t
have to necessarily get overwhelmed with taking everything out of your diet. Sometimes just add
some good things in, get some alkaline, you know, get your body alkaline, and then you’ll start
craving better options, you know what I mean? So even if you just do one or two things, don’t
get overwhelmed with it. You can do it. I promise you you can and you’re going to feel fabulous
and act on it. Don’t just think about it, act on it because it’s a whole lot more healthy people.
Absolutely. Beautiful message. Yeah. It’s time to act. May we all act with more joy and health
and well-being. Dr. Dana, thank you so much for being with us today. You’re welcome, Aaron. I
love this. I love the message of why on earth. I’m so blessed and honored that you invited me to come.
Oh wonderful. Thank you. We’ll talk soon.