Aaron Perry


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  • Episode 80 – Adrian Alex Rodriguez, Bodai, Mushrooms, & Biodiversity in Mexico
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Stewardship & Sustainability Series
Episode 80 - Adrian Alex Rodriguez, Bodai, Mushrooms, & Biodiversity in Mexico

Adrian Alex Rodriguez is the founder of Bodai International, an innovative environmental platform using social media as an active tool for documentation, creativity, inspiration and activism. Born on the Sea of Cortez, and residing in Mexico City, Mr. Rodriguez is a leader in EarthX Mexico, has expertise in triple bottom line sustainability – economic, natural and social – and curates impact strategies for artists and nature.

From the Sanskrit meaning “awakening of consciousness,” Bodai International has over 46,000 followers on their Instagram page, and links creatives, scientists, and environmental activists all around the globe with nine focal points: (1) nutrition, (2) news, (3) healthy lifestyle, (4) plants, (5) animals, (6) fungi, (7) initiatives, (8) recommendations, and (9) “expression Bodai”. In 2020, Bodai launched a Bodai Project for Diversity, encompassing territories from the Sea of Cortez to critical coral reefs. With over 25,000 identified fungi species, and with the Sea of Cortez, the “aquarium of the world”, Mexico is the fourth most bio-diverse nation in the world. In this context, Mr. Rodriguez tells us that there are 2,000+ endangered species in Mexico alone, and that action for conservation and sustainability is essential.

Producer of the Mushroom Festival of Guadalajara, Adrian is a leader in the burgeoning culinary, ethno-pharmacological, and medicinal mushroom movement. Adrian is an adherent to the wisdom of Maria Sabina, the “Queen of Mushrooms in Mexico”, and the first contemporary Mazatec shaman to allow Westerners to participate in psychedelic mushroom veladas (healing ceremonies). Calling fungi the “internet of the Earth,” Mr. Rodriguez exudes enthusiasm for the potential of this potent, magical kingdom to help heal our world.

Mr. Rodriguez has participated in several climate strikes, including in Guadalajara, Mexico City, and in the Global Climate March in New York City with Xiye Bastida and Greta Thunberg in September, 2019. He tells us that “revolution comes with a symbol,” and has thus launched the Eco Symbol (eco-symbol.com).




(Automatically generated transcript for search engine optimization and reference purposes – grammatical and spelling errors may exist.)

Hey friends, this next podcast episode is with Adrian Alex Rodriguez, and we recorded

this last fall when he and I revolved at a Earth X gathering down in Dallas, Texas.

So hope you enjoy and just want to share with you the pre-COVID context of our discussion.

Welcome to the YonEarth Communities Stewardship and Sustainability Podcast Series,

and today we are visiting with Adrian Alex Rodriguez. Hi, Adrian Alex.

Hi. Good to see you. Good to see you.

Yes. So Adrian Alex lives in Mexico City and was born on the coast of the Sea of Cortez.

He is the founder of Bodai, which I am really excited for you all to learn about,

which has been called the first environmental platform using social media as an active tool.

Bodai covers nine topical and content sections, which we’ll be talking about,

and Adrian Alex also has expertise in sustainable projects

that are triple bottom line focused on the balance and harmony between economic,

natural, and social aspects. He works in communication strategies for artists and

curates impact strategies for nature. Adrian Alex is a youth activist and participated in the first

global climate strike in Guadalajara, Mexico, the second in Mexico City, and the third in New York City

on September, in September of 2019, which of course, I was there for that as well.

So we’re several of our YonEarth community ambassadors and board members, including

Joni Clark, going to give a shout out off camera. Hey, Joni. Hi.

And of course, this is the march where Greta Tunberg and Shia Bastida were among many of the

youth leaders and indigenous leaders. And Adrian Alex also produces the Mushroom Festival of Guadalajara,

which I’m excited to talk about that as well. So it’s so great. We are here in Dallas, Texas,

right? We connected at Earth X, and I’m really thrilled to have this opportunity to visit with you

and to share with our audience the amazing work that you’re doing. Yeah, I’m happy to say hi to everyone,

and like give a little taste about which kind of projects in Mexico we have around sustainability

and nature. Wonderful. So let’s talk about Bodai, right? This is amazing. Yeah, what’s happening?

Yeah, well, like five years ago, I was just dedicating to communication strategies around

artists and like products. And I sense the need of using this tool, but will actually

empowering something real like nature. So we started like having a lot of names in our mind,

and I was with this girl that was one of the founders with me, and we started detecting the need

of making a real name. So Bodai came from the Sanskrit that is one of the oldest languages

in the world and means like the awakening of conscious, like becoming more conscious about what

surrounds you and acknowledged the power of nature. Absolutely, beautiful. And you’ve described for

me a little bit in terms of what you’re doing with Bodai, and the primary platform right is on

Instagram. Is that right? Yeah, well, we have seen that most people use Instagram as not cool

tool. So we want to show people that young people and like every kind of age people also are

interested in nature, and when you have it in your phone, it’s much easier to understand and to

interact and to, well, make you change a little bit. So what kind of images are people seeing on

Bodai? Well, we try to be cool. So we try to do a lot of serve image, us, yeah, we have a section

around serve, but because what’s so difficult to maintain content of serve serve, we have to change

it to pants animals, but what’s really cool. And also we have noticed people have a really good

reaction to museum pictures because they’re like magical and like have these colors or these

like different structures. And also we try to have information that actually acts and like make

solutions and involve people and notice them what they can do to change role. Like we, we’re not

only about talking about the problems, we also talk about the solutions. That’s so important.

And you have quite a following, right? Yeah, well, we’re getting almost 50,000 followers in

our Instagram. And we’ll, all the network, we, we control in Mexico with different NGOs because

we’re around the Instagram of those NGOs like Erdox, Mexico, like the echo symbol. So our network

is getting to 100,000 followers between all the networks. Oh my gosh, that’s really amazing.

How long have you been at that with those different NGOs? Well, like I said, I started with

artists and with products like six years ago and like full time to the environment like since

four years ago. Cool. I love it. So with these, these nine different topical areas and themes,

will you walk us through what are they? And what, what would we experience when we check that out?

Yeah. What, what we do is we get together these academic people like biologies, engineers,

and also like just people that really love nature, like young people, to have specific teams

like nutrition, like serve, like plants. And each week, we upload an article of each section

trying to motivate people to live in a healthy way or to leave or understand more plants.

Because sometimes, for example, you go to a pharmacy to buy something that you have the plan

of a bird that the tears that need and is more sustainable because you don’t have to get to the

card to go to the pharmacy to have like this plastic delivery to you. So I believe that everything

we need is in nature. So both I mean that understanding nature, like giving knowledge and

accepting knowledge from different people. Absolutely. And from nature. Absolutely. This is

beautiful. I know it’ll make one of our global advisory board members very happy, Brigitte Mars,

who is an herbalist who teaches all around the world. She has a course she does every year in

Columbia, for example, and has written 17 books about herbal medicine. And she often is telling us,

look, there’s often medicine right outside the window, maybe in the yard or just down the street

a little ways. And you don’t have to go buy expensive pharmaceuticals for a lot of the things

we’re treating, right? Well, we’ll be great to have one of those, well, information of

to have an article in our blog. That’d be fabulous. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah, we can definitely

live with you. Maybe of his favorite tank, maybe, I don’t know. I know her three favorite plants

we’ve talked about. This is a good idea, actually. That would be cool. So what are the nine

themes that you guys focus on? Well, first, like we start with something easy, like news, like

informing people, then we have one of our audience favorite that is Fungi. Fungi, yeah.

Mushrooms and fungus. If you’re not familiar with Fungi, yeah. It’s a section Fungi with eyes

around mushrooms and because of pictures and our biologies that provide this information,

she’s so brilliant that we have a cool area over there. And we’re starting doing projects also

around that section. Cool. And we have also nutrition, healthy lifestyle. Like I said, animal

plants, recommendations, initiatives, and expression that is like how nature and human beings

are connected are fixed. Like we are really connected just to be young on a higher level.

Beautiful. Wow. Okay. I love it. Yeah. And you know, the Fungi connection, it reminds me in

Colorado where I’m from, we have the Colorado Micological Society online. And there’s a lot of

people on there. And we help each other identify different species. It’s really wonderful. And when

we get big flushes after the rains and the autumn, a lot of people go out foraging for different

species. It’s a lot of fun to see that kind of unfold in the community across, you know, a pretty

big region. Yeah. And I believe so that in the Mushroom, like in the Fungi kingdom, we have

not done that much experience because biology says there’s over three million of species in the

world. And we just have identified a 10%, 300,000. And of those 25,000 are in Mexico. Oh my God. Wow.

Yeah. Mexico is one of the richest countries in diversity or in mushrooms. Well, in, you know,

everything. Yeah. Yeah. I’ve heard it’s ranked up really high worldwide. Is that right? Yeah.

For biodiversity. Yeah. It’s like Mexico with the Mesoamerican Rift is the fourth biggest biodiversity

in the world. And he’s one of the 12 countries that represent the 70% of all the nature in the

world. Oh my goodness. I’m just writing a couple quick notes here. I’ll try to keep up with this.

This is really interesting and important. You know, I, I remember learning about one of my early

heroes in all of this is Paul Stamets. And I remember hearing him talk about how he came to realize

that on the Pacific coast of the Pacific Northwest, there was so much biodiversity. It was essential

to protect. Of course, there’s a lot of logging that occurs in that part of the world. And I

understand if I, if the story’s true that he actually went into the Pentagon of the United States,

talked to the very high leaders in the military and said, look, when we’re dealing with things like

bioterism and other biological issues, we really need to preserve these resources because they

may end up saving a lot of lives in the future. And apparently that helped preserve an enormous

tract of old growth forest, basically, along the Pacific Northwest coast. Yeah. It was amazing.

When that area with the Sea of Cortez, they call it the Aquarium of the World. Yeah. And also in

that area, we have the shark island that is the biggest island in Mexico is not a populated

island because it’s about the ingenious community are the owners, not the government of Mexico.

They’re called cities. It’s the ancient community and they’ve been really good protecting that

area and trying to do a good economic system without harming nature. Oh, interesting. Okay. This is,

we’ll get the spelling on saddies and maybe it’d be cool to provide a link in the show notes

to something about what is the island called? Shark Island. Shark. Okay. Got it. And Spanish is like

the one on. Okay. Okay. Cool. I’m not sure my spelling is very good in Spanish, so we’ll have

to circle back up. Yeah. So hey, I just want to get these stats down. So we were saying we think

there are maybe three million species of fungus worldwide. We’ve ID 300,000 worldwide and we know

25,000 are in Mexico. Is that right? Okay. That’s amazing. Yeah.

And let’s talk a little bit about the mushroom festival in Guadalajara that you produce.

What is this? What is it? What does it look like? I want to go, right? It’s at the end of the

mushroom season, but it’s raining season. Yeah. It’s around the end of July or August.

Why Guadalajara? Because Calisco, it has a really rich diversity around mushrooms.

And I have a community where a community was doing this event and both I gets to the event

two years ago and start producing it with them and like giving much more volume,

because now we have a biology that identify each mushroom to everyone that surrounds like.

So the first activity is going to the camp and trying to have the most diversity of mushrooms to

get these mushrooms to the festival where it’s like music and a lot of

exhibitors that have some products or products of mushrooms like Gun of Air My Stacks,

like they sell like mushrooms in bags and beers that are with mushrooms and all kind of products

even jokingly. So energetically is a fun festival that try to make people understand that

mushrooms are much than only like the Magica mushroom like we have much culinary diversity of

mushrooms. We also have pharmaceutical and medicinal mushrooms and we have also to understand

what mushroom means in nature because are the ones that are in charge to connect everything.

They say mushrooms are the internet of the world. I love that.

Yeah, and I’ve heard as we begin to really understand what’s going on with the

mycelial mats, the networks in the soil and the complexity of connections among and between

varieties of species, varieties of kingdoms, right? This absolutely dwarfs all of our technology.

And we were talking about this last night. I think it’s one of the most important points for us

to understand in these times given what’s at stake with the environmental situation, the climate

situation, what’s living in the soil is so essential to not only understand but to celebrate,

to protect, to be grateful for and to work with, to help heal a lot of the challenges that we’re

facing, right? Yeah. Well, I’m not an expert like in soil but for me like they teach me that

with the most powerful technology and with the most well economic power also, you cannot make

a ecosystem to bring like certain kind of mushrooms because they’re complexity. So nature is the

only one that has that power. So we humans is like, is a lesson we need to understand that we

cannot play the role of making everything with technology. There’s certain things in nature

that speak by themselves. With Buddha, I ask, I know, Buddha, I speak with them.

I absolutely love it. It’s one in the why on earth community we talk a lot about humility

and for us to really have that kind of humility to understand just how awesome, how powerful, how

essential these natural systems are, right? Yeah. Beautiful. Oh my goodness. So by the way, I was

going to ask with the mushroom diversity in Halisco, this is also where the weecho people live,

yeah? No, that’s not what we’re supposed to see but it’s near. In Mexico, the most diversity came

from Beracruz en Oaxaca that are like southern states, not down south but southern because it’s

really tropical. Like, the mushrooms are like a lot of humidity and like, so that’s a really,

and also there’s a big diversity because they’re high places and all places. So that’s also

geographically, it’s important. What I would love to have in marine Mexico, people to involve,

is like when we were in mushroom collection in Switzerland, they have a lot of,

how I can tell you, they have a lot of strategies to teach people how to identify

mushrooms and they have identification centers that are open in certain hours and in certain

seasons in the year that you go with your mushrooms, you can collect only one kilogram

and they have identified it to you and you can take it home and then you can cook them.

So it will be really cool to start having these identification centers in all the world.

I love this. And it will be cool to start in Mexico and Dallas. I don’t know. Okay, maybe both.

Maybe both. So did you happen to, did you harvest any shampoo in your in Switzerland? Did you have

this kind? No, we have, like, it will call in Mexico, we said, panesito, that is boletos.

Oh, yeah, boletos. We have a lot of this in Colorado, King Buli. Yeah, well, it’s not that easy

to find one. Okay. And in Mexico, we have a, well, a big diversity. There’s Asians,

Shaman called Maria Savina from Wajaga in Mexico. It’s one of the most recognized places in the

world for mushrooms, Wautle de Humanas. And it’s because they have like this

mushroom that have these psycho effects. And she was a shaman that without the biologist knowledge,

but with the nature and the ancient knowledge, like, she understand them. And she was the guide

of the beetles when they go to Mexico. And that’s also Waut Disney when the beetles, the band.

The band. Well, Disney was with her also. And all those hooks. Yeah, he, I really appreciate all

this Huxley as a writer, of course. Yeah. He’s written a couple of really amazing and important

books, I think. Yeah. Yeah. In fact, one is called Island. Did you ever read this book Island?

I know. It’s not as well known as some of his others, but it’s a fabulous read. And mushrooms

actually figure in the story pretty prominently. So maybe if any of you are looking for a good one

to read soon, check out Island by all this Huxley. This is amazing. I’m just jotting down the beetles

while Disney or this Huxley. Yeah, well, she was like the queen of the merchants in Mexico.

Actually, we want to have a product because she is great. It’s near the town. And we want to

restrict all the grave because now it’s like in ruins. Oh, wow. And we Mexicans and the boy I

have team, things that she deserves to have these like excellent grapes. It’s like a really

spiritual and iconic symbol for Mexicans. Yeah. So I will send you the picture when we do that.

That’s great. That’s beautiful. Thank you for sharing that. Well, it is interesting how

something like a grave marker, that kind of a monument can speak so much and can symbolize

so much. And you were telling me earlier about some art projects in New York City to switch gears

a little bit that are really helping people develop awareness about what’s going on in the world,

right? Yeah. Well, in the climate strike, I met Nardi’s is one of the most recognized artist

environmental Irish because she used only plastic materials and recycled materials. It’s all about

that to her. And so then she took me to a museum. It’s called Arcadia Earth. It’s in Broadway

Street in New York. These museums tries to do with innovation technologies and like with these

artistic interventions try to sense of the lives people in environmental matters. So this

was a cave, a coral cave that its message was that the coral is bleaching. So the cave is like

wide, like it. And it was made with 44,000 plastic bags. We used salvage, we used plastic bags

that represent a time where New Yorkers used these like ways these plastic bags. And well,

you mean your expectations about the time? Which time? How much time it takes you to 44,000?

Yeah. I mean, what like an hour? I don’t know. It’s a one minute. One minute. Oh my god. Yeah. Wow,

that’s staggering. Yeah. Wow. 44,000 plastic bags in. It’s really cool that if I tell you,

like you feel it, but when you see it like it. So it’s really cool artists are trying to get involved

in this movement. And given their Holland to have these kind of conversations and sense of the

lives, she’s called Baycia and she’s called this data visualization. Wow. I want to check that out.

I’ll actually be in New York soon after this recording. So I’ll have to keep an eye out and make

a visit for that. It’s still there. Yeah. It’s still there. It’s about six months installation.

Okay. And like I believe it’s just one month since they opened. Oh, perfect. Okay. Yeah,

around the time of the climate strike itself. Yeah. Yeah. Well, it was one of the places where

a lot of climate strike movement was like that place everyone was going and having some like

interventions and yeah, actually or like do an event over there. Okay. Cool. Yeah.

So let me just remind our audience that this is the Why on Earth communities stewardship and

sustainability podcast series. And we are visiting with Adrian Alex Rodriguez from Mexico City.

But we’re in Dallas, Texas while we’re recording this conversation. And Adrian Alex has Bodai.

You can find Bodai on Instagram with Bodai B-O-D-A-I underscore or go RG. We’ll have this in the

show notes. Also online on the website is Bodai.org B-O-D-A-I dot org. And we’re going to talk about

eco symbol a little bit. So if you’re interested, you’ll go to eco-symbol.com or at eco underscore symbol.

And I wanted to take a moment to give a huge thanks and shout out to our partners and sponsors

who are making the series possible who are making our digital resources a reality for folks and who

are supporting our ongoing community mobilization work in real neighborhoods and real communities

all over. And this includes Patagonia, Weilei Waters, Purium, the LIDGE Family Foundation,

Beauty Counter, the International Society of Sustainability Professionals. That’s a mouthful.

And the BioDynamic Association. Also a huge shout out to all the individuals out there who have

joined our monthly giving program. And this helps us with all the work that we’re doing. It’s a

really big way of supporting this. If you haven’t yet joined the monthly giving program and you

would like to, you can go to whyoners.org slash support or just go to the homepage whyoners.org hit

the donate button. And you can sign up for any level that works well for you to give on a monthly

basis. When you do that, I’ll send you an email with an exclusive very special code to unlock all

of our e-book and audio book resources for free. And you can share that with friends and family as

well as if you’d like to. So a huge thanks to everybody for your support. And I am, I am just

thrilled Adrian Alex about this opportunity to chat with you. Here it is. It’s about fall

autumn here in 2019. And a lot of us are really starting to plan and prepare for 2020.

Because there’s a whole lot that’s going to be happening, right? Yeah. And I’m just curious,

what are you seeing and envisioning when you’re thinking about 2020 and what’s come in and what

what are some of the priorities you’re working on? Okay. Well, what I felt is like this year, we

start sensing these energetic feeling around environmental activities and around

involving jude with these politicians and with these big entrepreneurs. So we can actually

have some plans from now to five years to contribute to our planet. And for us,

but I we’re starting a project like I tell you that is called for biodiversity that it’s like

the project will be trying to protect this biodiversity that is from the Sea of Cortez,

Northern Mexico, to the American, Mesoamerican reef that actually represent almost the 15%

of biodiversity in the world. So we’re trying to do a big crowdfunding scheme around communication

strategies, one of our expertise and also trying to use the vehicle and the relationships that

Earth X as this big, the biggest environmental experience in the world involved us. So we’re trying

to start making more actions in 2020. Actually, going down the field and protecting our oceans and

protecting our nature and empower what we have. Because I love plastic and energy programs,

but I believe we have to give more attention to protected areas and to keep what we actually have

right now. I love this. You know, in the first chapter of the book I wrote called Why on Earth,

the very first chapter is called Place. And how important that direct connection is to places where

we live, where we spend time and for us to care as an stewardship of these places, right?

Yeah. That’s what I hear you describing. Yeah, and also because now we’re sensing, we have like

more than 2,000 species, endangered species, and stations in Mexico. So if we start having

this sense, we can have a lot of animals become instinct and a lot of plants. We don’t want to

start having that cycle. We have to have the cycle. We have to protect and have more species.

Because the species nature is so wonderful that you have to let it go. Like if you let it go,

it could do it by its own. It’s amazing. So also in 2020, we’re having a couple events in

Earth eggs in Mexico. We have a couple in the north and one in the center of Mexico.

And one specific, the one of the Pacific coast, the team will be rescuing the Pacific coast.

Now that will be actually the name of the event rescuing the Pacific. And we will be

involved in involving big organizations like Bodai, like Earth eggs, like Fridays for Future,

and like the fond and national conservatory of Mexico and species. So we’re trying to get in

different aspects to get people involved. Like the Mushroom Festival, these ocean protection

events. And also we will keep striking like every time like these young leaders ask us to strike.

We believe in it’s like prison and in its idealism. And we will be together. Because that is what

I’ve been felt feeling about environmental. That we need to be more together. We have to be

unifying as a community. Because if we want to change everything, we have to change us between.

How we spread between us. And how we can learn everyone from each other.

Absolutely. Love it. So beautiful. Do you happen to know we recently did an interview with Emily

Maglone, the New York director of peaceboat? Okay. And next summer 2020, they’re going to be

in the port in I think part of Ayarta or somewhere on the Pacific coast. Have you connected with

them about this? Well, I’m not connected with them, but I’ve connected with a project called

Restore Coral that is really connected with them. This project, what it’s trying to do is trying to

do like an arc or like a museum, but we call it idealistic and Noah’s arc to save the endemic

species of coral in Mexico. So if we’re losing all these because of bleaching, when we have the

if the conditions of the ocean will be again the right ones. So coral tend to restore. We have

all these species in like in a bank. So it’s like a museum bank. So people can understand in which

moment we are like we are actually are in that moment. We need to pull species from the ecosystem

because it’s so in danger. So we can keep them alive and then will hopefully the ocean with our

help and with its help restructure. So we can introduce this species again. It’s called

Restore Coral and it’s really into it’s really connected with the piece mode. That’s good to hear.

Yeah, I’m really happy. You know, as you’re talking I’m realizing I think the term coral bleaching

doesn’t really do a good job of describing what this is and I want to make sure our audience

some of us may not have heard about this before. This is the massive die off of coral forests

in the ocean basically, right? Yeah, this is this is a tremendous problem that we’re seeing

in ocean waters all around the world. Yeah, well they call it the white syndrome because

the coral start dying and will losing these properties that makes him alive because temperature

issues and contamination issues, pollution. And so it starts getting wide, wide losing its

color until like what becomes that. I don’t have the sack numbers but they say that in South

Mexico and the Caribbean, in the last year we have lost more than 2% of all our coral. 30%

to rip. And that’s the second largest coral reef in the world right? Yeah, after the Australian

like them. Yeah. Iron or the American coral reef. Wow. Okay, it’s so important that we’re all

mobilizing and doing everything we can around these issues. Restoring, healing, regenerating.

Yeah, well it’s important for us like having this conversation each every day and everywhere.

Like if you feel like sometimes misunderstood because you talk about nature and you

just start having these sense of activism, you need to realize that you’re not alone, like

we’re a lot of people that we’re compromising have changed stuff and it’s good to

give each other a pom in the back. Absolutely. That’s such an important message. And you know

one of the really cool benefits I’ve actually talked about this with a few people in just

in the last couple days about doing these podcasts is that I get to meet and really learn about

the work that amazing people are doing kind of all over the place in all sorts of sectors

related to our future related to taking care of the planet related to being good to each other

and it gives me great hope knowing that more and more of us are truly mobilizing and kind of

making this big pivot that we’re needing to make as a species and it’s happening and it just it

makes me feel full of joy notwithstanding how challenging things are right now

that more and more of us are arising and responding to this very impulse that’s happening.

Yeah well it starts like impulse now it’s sensing like action like it’s started becoming

action and our biology is true and like our academic true academic people it’s so smart

and they they understand it’s all about knowledge we have to go for more knowledge like

because most people talk about changing stuff but if we don’t understand nature we cannot change it

actually one of our projects for 2020 that usually like engineering we want to do a showroom

like in in Mexico City that we have our own cultivate mushroom so people understand how they grow

and it’s diversity and well it’s difficult to have a diversity in one showroom because they

need different temperatures and different resources where they grow but we’re trying to do something

special for people maybe when if you’re next year in Mexico you can show you around. Oh I can’t

be wonderful yeah because right different species of mushroom are growing on different substrates

right different types of wood other decomposing material. Yeah like it could be books like I was

talking to a couple of biologies for the podcast and they say even in a in a diaper in a baby diaper

right it depends on mushrooms like that right now what I’m understanding because well I’m not

the expert but I’m understanding that much different resources like the diversity of mushrooms

but the fans here are the ones that actually want that that fine is good for example like the

ones that have more properties medicinal properties are really well more difficult to cultivate

so this is really cool like if we try to understand nature nature spokes to us like really

and so we’re we’re happy about that project and also we’re really happy about the Acacinbo project

the Acacinbo project is a project that we sense as a community different activism these artists from

New York a couple of people in Mexico and different NGOs we sense that between each NGO sometimes

between academics we have this sense of competition of being competitive and having a certain kind of

ego and then we realize how the LGBTQ movement grew up and like

consolidate like a real movement it’s because they really cool and they’re really together and

they really try to embrace everyone doesn’t matter it’s a difference and I sense that the

environmental movement needs this so we were talking all these activists and we came down with

idea called the Acacinbo that is a flag is a symbol that represent us beyond anything no matter

your NGO or your country your age doesn’t matter anything but it’s a symbol that represents hope

to nature and it’s a symbol that probably all the hotels all the restaurants all the people

and enterprises that have this intention of becoming more environmental should adapt but we

compromise not with with with lies no if we want to adopt this symbol we have to adapt it with

with real compromise yeah real value yeah real actions now action like I was doing this but now

I’m doing this because I believe so you know yeah excellent oh that’s really exciting to hear

about so that’s eco symbol and in folks like as we mentioned you can go to eco-symbol.com or

it’s at eco underscore symbol if you want to check it out in social media and yeah that’s exciting

I think we’ll we’ll try to get that out there through the winery platform as well yeah well you

can you can upload it is for everyone it doesn’t have a copyright and one can use it and

that’s important not just detecting the need of having this kind of symbol but it’s important

is having the humbleness to explain people and they really want to embrace it because if it’s a

symbol without the embracement of a community it’s nothing but they these are all say that says that

revolution comes with a symbol like and I and I sense that if we are in this environmental

revolution we need more flags that represent us and like over the world like we need to to be more

unified and understanding that is the only way like to change things like to change us

because is it spirit changing us to change the world that’s beautiful that’s exciting

gives me hope all right revolution comes with a symbol yes oh that is beautiful I can just visualize

it all over the place yeah well I don’t have my my phone is dead but if not I show you it’s

a beautiful color yourself each layer should represent a compromise by my own like me it

tried to compromise in protecting biodiversity like water rights and ocean conservancy but if someone

like the these biologists experts anyhow that we have that love museum well that represents

like love to museums and protection to them and if this guy the choral guy that restart choral

once choral that everyone can do something and each color should represent something personal

because nature is all about that about making it personal and making memories around it around it

because that’s that’s the biggest pleasure we’ll have in in years like to like tell people our

nature experiences like look siri will be everywhere anywhere like that saying I was in the

2019 museum festival yeah I think that’s different like well I was in the first international

climate strike right with this girl that came from Europe all the way like an affair retail yeah

to change the intake over 3,000 people in New York so 350,000 yeah so yeah yeah amazing right to be a part

of that yeah that history yeah that’s a big part of our story yeah these are the good old days

when I when I met the the artist in New York she told me like you came all the way from

Mexico to strike in New York and what I explained to her is like we should be for more more

countries over here because in a certain way with our platform and like me as a youth leader in

Mexico I was the eyes of a country over there yes and I and sometimes people is nervous about

what’s happening and they want you to feel alone but after New York I know I know that I’m not

alone and it’s cool to have that kind of a conventions because it’s like charging yourself not

with like with power and with love and with knowledge because a lot of people over there have

done have knowledge so I think we have to continue imposing these kind of activities that bring

us together like strikes like conventions and people laugh about that because there’s a lot of

strikes a lot of conventions but you’re not changing stuff I know we’re changing I’ve seen

little eyes little children eyes and I know what they are feeling and I would love to feel that

when I was 15 right absolutely that’s beautiful yeah it’s very powerful yeah what’s happening now

yeah yeah so I’m struck I’m I’m really curious and interested in language and I’m struck by your

use of the term compromise because it’s a little different than I think how many of us would use the

term here in the United States and compromise often ends up carrying this sort of negative connotation

like in the political realm but I was thinking when we break the word down there’s the word promise

and the calm is like with yeah and it’s almost like you’re making a promise with somebody right yeah

is this what tell us more about what this word means for you yeah it’s well in in Mexico it’s

compromiso is when you love something so much yeah that you you get so attached you don’t want to

to move from it like we say there the wedding ring we say El Amillo compromiso like compromise

ring will be so we imagine that’s the feeling like being together like promise to nature that we

will be together and we will be like and it’s not a negative connotation but compromise comes with

responsibility and that’s why people sometimes felt this way that like these negative sides but

responsibility is it’s something we have to understand as humans that comes with the rights of nature

if you are blessed with this nature you should have the responsibility to protect it and you should

have the responsibility to know your own resources and your own capacities to be part of this movement

yeah and I believe so environmentally we understand each other that we are like dead three

parts that if we brought all together we will we will we will make it and the time is running like

yeah yeah that’s beautiful well Adrian Alex it has been such a joy to have this opportunity

personal meeting you and having some wonderful conversations over the last couple days and to have

this opportunity to share some of your story and your projects with our audience and you know before

we we sign off I just want to make sure and we’re in no rush I just want to make sure we have an

opportunity if there’s anything else you want to share or anything else you’d like to

cause to action well you’d like to share with the audience I would like to share like

I was traveling a lot around the world and now I’m getting back to Mexico to use all these

knowledge to empower our country our states our endangered species so anyone that really wants to

connect with these next awesome nature that they will be really received in our home like our

home is everyone home we don’t have boundaries we don’t have boundaries so we’re open to everyone

that wants to help and connect and understand nature and have this sense about what we’re changing

and what we’re fighting for includes you to like I hope because I’m going out with a lot of

countries yeah bring my energy to them so I’m expecting everyone to get this energy back to make

you feel good I like it’s reciprocity right yeah and we have really good food and music

excellent yeah well I’m hoping to take you up on the screen so we’ll see how that goes yeah well

thanks Adrian Alex thanks so much for for joining us yeah absolutely great all right bye everybody

the YonEarth community stewardship and sustainability podcast series is hosted by

Aaron William Perry offer thought leader and executive consultant the podcast and video recordings are

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