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  • Episode 166 – Dahr Jamail, Communications & Media Relations Lead, Home Planet Fund
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Stewardship & Sustainability Series
Episode 166 - Dahr Jamail, Communications & Media Relations Lead, Home Planet Fund

Large Scale Stewardship from Patagonia’s Home Planet Fund

Dahr Jamail, Communications and Media Relations Lead at Patagonia’s new Home Planet Fund (HPF), discusses how they are funding large-scale, indigenous-led ecosystem restoration and carbon sequestration efforts around the globe. Indigenous peoples who are living according to their traditional life-ways make up only 6-7% of the total human population, but steward lands on which 80% of the remaining terrestrial biodiversity is found! Thus, these indigenous communities are essential “keystones” of the global population when it comes to environmental stewardship and regeneration. The Home Planet Fund was created with the sole purpose of supporting this indigenous-led keystone work, and has already begun deploying resources to support nature based solutions, biodiversity hotspots, regenerative agriculture, and climate change mitigation efforts in critical regions of our planet.

Officially just launched on Earth Day (April) 2024, the Home Planet Fund’s four initial projects include: supporting traditional pastoralists’ land tenure rights (and regenerative grasslands stewardship) in East Africa (Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya); supporting three Native Alaskan tribes in and around the Tongass National Forest region; supporting intergenerational wisdom transfer work led by women across seven islands in the South Pacific (Fiji, Samoa, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tonga + Vanuatu); and supporting indigenous regenerative farmers at “the top of the world” in the Panj River region of Tajikistan, often called the planet’s “third pole” of ice. Dahr tells us that HPF will deploy more projects in the coming months.

Because Home Planet Fund has been established by the Patagonia “ecosystem” of organizations, and HPF’s operating costs are paid for by Patagonia, 100% of any additional money raised by the organization goes directly to these on-the-ground, indigenous-led projects. You’ll find an explanatory flow chart graphic on their Financials page illustrating how capital flows are deployed and leveraged within this unique model, and you can get involved by supporting these critical efforts too, by making a donation directly to the Home Planet Fund.

About Home Planet Fund, Patagonia, and Founder Yvonne Chouinard

Patagonia, which consistently scores at the highest levels of the B-Certified classification regime for stewardship and sustainability performance, generates over one billion in annual sales, and now directs 100% of it’s roughly $100,000,000 in annual profits to a foundation established by founder Yvonne Chouinard called the Holdfast Collective. Through Mr. Chouinard’s leadership, Patagonia is one of the global leaders in the conscious capitalism and socially-responsible business movements, having helped to found – among others – both 1% for the Planet and the Regenerative Organic Alliance (see related podcast episodes below). Having “given his company to the planet,” Chouinard has long insisted that business can be rooted in ethics and an engine for positive impact, and demonstrates this excellence though both “business unusual” and “philanthropy unusual,” according to Mr. Jamail. The Home Planet Fund, part of Patagonia’s “solar system” of impact organizations, was launched in April 2024.

About Dahr Jamail

Dahr Jamail is an award-winning author and journalist. In 2003 he was one of very few unembedded journalists in the early stages of the Iraq War. He has written for Le Monde Diplomatique, the Guardian, the Nation, the Huffington Post, the Sunday Herald in Scotland, the New York Times, and Foreign Policy in Focus, and has contributed to Democracy Now!, Al Jazeera, Al Jazeera English, the BBC, NPR, and numerous other radio and television stations around the globe. In 2008 he was awarded the Martha Gellhorn Award for Investigative Journalism, and in 2018 the Park Center for Independent Media at Ithaca College awarded him an Izzy for his “path-breaking and in-depth reporting,” work that exposed “environmental hazards and militarism.” He is the author of Beyond the Green Zone: Dispatches from an Unembedded Journalist in Occupied Iraq (2007), The Will to Resist: Soldiers Who Refuse to Fight in Iraq and Afghanistan (2009), The End of Ice: earing Witness and Finding Meaning in the Path of Climate Disruption (2019), which was a finalist for the PEN E.O. Wilson Science Writing  Award, and co-editor (with Stan Rushworth) of We Are the Middle of Forever: Indigenous Voices from Turtle Island on the Changing Earth. He is now the Communications and Media Relations Lead for the Home Planet Fund.

Resources & Related Episodes




Ep. 148 – Jorge Fontanez, CEO, B-Lab USA & Canada

Ep. 114 – Elizabeth Whitlow, Executive Director, Regenerative Organic Alliance

Ep. 95 – John Liu, Founder, Ecosystem Restoration Communities

Ep. 85 – Kate Williams, CEO, 1% for the Planet

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