At the convergence of advanced science and primordial wisdom, the Le Ciel Foundations’ global network of organizational leaders and change makers are collaborating to change the world from the inside out. Sophie and Olivier tell us that “community is essential,” and that “to change the world we must first change ourselves.” Through their Holistic Visions Training Program (HVTP), the Le Ciel Foundation’s leadership team curates year-long, in-depth, cohort-based experiences and the group is now developing and deploying a variety of other offerings to reach even more executives, parents, children, and community leaders. Their Earth Cubs program provides “capsules of wisdom” for children ages 3 – 11.
As an innovative “network of networks” the Le Ciel Foundation is collaborating across the globe with myriad additional networks and organizations, including the Y on Earth Community, with the ambitious goal of directly reaching 3% of the entire human population – approximately 240,000,000 people – by the end of 2026. Will you connect with the Le Ciel Foundation and help to make this a reality?
About Sophie Monpeyssen
Sophie holds the vision of a society that lives in respect and integrity with itself, society, and Nature close to her heart and strives to bring this vision to reality every day. To her, everything is possible when you align yourself with the values of the universe, and are dedicated to carrying out your mission.
Passionate about growth and transformation, she’s worked in the field of consciousness since 1996. Over the years, her research has brought her to all corners of the world to learn from the wisdom of indigenous cultures.
Her drive is to discover how we can be the change and create a movement for humanity to evolve and adopt a new way of being that is more ethical, responsible and ecological.
In search of solutions for the world and more specifically for humanity, she listens to ancestral wisdom.
Sophie studied Psychotherapy, Musicology, Pedagogy, and Sophrology at the University of Paris – Sorbonne.
About Olivier Girard
Olivier approaches life with curiosity, the drive to connect to and make sense of the universe we live in and the ambition to impact the present and future positively. Embedding art, science, technology, and spirituality in what he does has led him to develop a toolbox of skills that enable him to dream, envision, design, and execute ideas or projects.He is a creator, a designer of things.
Olivier likes to be precise and detail-orientated while constantly keeping an eagle-eye’s view on things, connecting the dots leading from the inception of an idea to its final execution.
With over 25 years of experience, he wove his expertise into the realms of branding, marketing, and content creation. Half of his professional journey was dedicated to shaping the identity of the music and video game industry, while the other half involved content creation as a music producer and art director/designer in web and graphic design.
In 2016, he co-founded Le Ciel Foundation as a means to spread primordial wisdom and scale its positive impact in a major way.
LeCiel was and still is a pioneering initiative in the way it is operated, structured, and managed, as well as in the innovative vision for systemic change it brings into the light. Giving birth to and growing such an organization brought a deep sense of alignment with the spiritual path initiated when he was in his early twenties, a strong sense of purpose and mission and constant opportunity for self-growth and evolution.
His role in the organization involved co-directing the award-winning film The Twelve, and he also contributed significantly to the creation and management of Le Ciel Foundation. He also co-creates, co-writes and co-hosts the Holistic Visions Training Program with Sophie Monpeyssen, and is constantly refining the communication tools, branding strategies, and wording around Le Ciel Foundation and its missions to amplify the organization’s impact.
Resources & Related Episodes
The Twelve (documentary) – https://filmfreeway.com/TheTwelve345
Ep 157 – Soraya Afzali, On the Dangers of Autocracy & Charismatic Leadership (HVTP alumna)
Ep 155 – John Rogers, Author, The Renaissance Campaign (HVTP alumnus)
Ep 154 – Sarah Arao, Founder, Mantle of Hope in Uganda (HVTP alumna)
Ep 134 – Reverend Matthew Fox on Hildegard von Bingen & her “Viriditas” – Divine Feminine in Action
Ep 129 – Bernard Amadaei, Holistic Visionary & Founder, Engineers Without Borders
Ep 127 – John Perkins – Life Economy vs. Death Economy – Touching the Jaguar & Updated Confessions
Ep 115 – Brad “Lights Out” Lidge & Aaron Perry discuss Viriditas and the Great Healing
Ep 50 – Anita Sanchez on Women’s Voices, Indigenous Wisdom & The Sacred Hoop of Life
(Automatically generated transcript for search engine optimization and reference purposes – grammatical and spelling errors may exist.)
Welcome to the YonEarth Community Podcast with your host, Aaron William Perry.
And today we have the opportunity to visit with my dear friends and the co-founders of
the Le Ciel Foundation, Sophie Monpeyssen and Olivier Girard.
Sophie, Olivier, welcome. It’s so great to have this opportunity to visit with you today.
Hi. Thank you for having us.
Yes. Thank you, Aaron. Thank you to the YonEarth Community. We’re thrilled to have shared this moment with you. We’ve already been deep in collaboration over the past
several months and we’re going to talk about a bit of that and have in front of us even more
opportunities for collaboration. And I’m so excited that we get to share a bit about the work
you’re doing, the deep vision you’re holding and the ways you’re helping mobilize many of us
worldwide around such a beautiful vision.
We’re happy to share about it. It’s a good story.
Sophie Monpeyssen is co-founder and CEO of the Le Ciel Foundation. Her education
background includes psychotherapy, musicology, pedagogy, and sophrology. We’ll talk about
sophrology. And she studied at the University of Paris and the Sarbone among other institutions.
She holds the vision of a society that lives in respect and integrity with itself, society and nature close to her heart and strives to bring this vision to reality every day. She’s passionate about growth and transformation and has been working in the field of consciousness since 1996.
Olivier is the co-founder and chief operating officer of the Le Ciel Foundation and also the co-director and producer of the film called The 12, which we’ll talk about. Olivier’s background is amazing in that it weaves gaming, media branding business and marketing together with now this consciousness and spiritual work that is being done presently. And both Sophie and Olivier have deep connections and personal relationships with several indigenous wisdom traditions and indigenous elders worldwide. And that has clearly formed a significant part of the fabric of knowledge and awareness that you all are working with and sharing with the world. So welcome. What a joy. We have so many exciting things to talk about together. It’s really great to have this time with you. I can’t stop smiling so I’m definitely very excited.
Wonderful. Well, I got to ask because I’m curious and I think it gives us a nice starting point. How did you two come together and how did all of this work that is the Le Ciel Foundation’s offering to the world get started? So we met 17 years ago through workshop initiation because that workshop in Europe it’s more an initiation with Shaman and for the strong session
and we have so that we didn’t see each other for 12 years. Not one communication and we met
against one another initiation in the forest and at that point it was kind of obvious that we had
something to do together. Absolutely. And we don’t want to give the impression that Le Ciel
was co-founded by only two people. We were actually nine co-founding Le Ciel and the the common denominator was the the spiritual tradition that we were all initiated deeply into. That at one point gave us a sense of purpose and maybe a clearer vision of the missions that we all had and we thought they were too big to accomplish by ourselves. So we shared and we were all sharing that drive coming from different backgrounds to actually make a change to try to try that alternative life where you actually create the world that you’d like to live in and we did
that’s how it happened on the premises though that the the foundation and the the organization
itself and the way we lived our lives and were pioneer in the sense that we were clearly
following the teachings from our spiritual traditions to operate.
So the whole foundation and its organization and its processes have been bathing in spiritual technology and consciousness and alignment with universal principles. It’s because everything we learn through our tradition and we are learning every day and it’s through experience. So there’s no dog mass, there’s no books, there’s no place of okay let’s share and let’s talk it’s through about your experience you take your own lessons and you you test you test them in real life and just to reconnect to primordial wisdom to everything that we have always in us. That’s it and so that was it the that’s how the the foundation was founded with the first mission which was the most maybe the the craziest challenge of them all which was to find 12 elders that we didn’t know out of 8 billion people without any financial support except our savings and and doing it through guidance every step of the way. And gathering them at UN in New York in 2017 just one year after the beginning of the foundation. Yeah so that was the and that that that pretty much set up the pace and the and the ambitions and the proof of concept that everything’s possible when you know when you’re aligned with what is supposed to happen.
I think it’s a personal level I mean. Yes and when you accept the lessons from the experience
through the experience. Yeah. Yeah when you go straight. The full spectrum of experience.
The great the bad and the spiritual. Yes absolutely beautiful and the inspiration and the
guidance that clearly informs your work is profound and potent and I imagine maybe for some
in our audience not something that we’re accustomed to in our in our kind of day to day working
lives and I’m excited to dive into that a little more with you and I want to first kind of
ground the conversation in shared by sharing my own personal experience. Having met you
about a year ago almost precisely a year ago plus or minus a few weeks I think
and since that time we’ve I’ve been part of a year-long holistic holistic visions,
training process curated and provided by Bilizio Foundation and it has been an extraordinary
experience collaborating with an amazing array of leaders and change makers around the world
and of course we had the opportunity to gather in person in Barcelona for the annual symposium last fall and the way you have woven together so many disparate disciplines and wisdom traditions and personal practices to help us each become more proficient at collaborating in coherence with others it is amazing I mean for me it’s been a life changer and I mean that
and so I’m so thrilled that we have the opportunity to invite others in our audience to connect
with the Bilizio Foundation and to discover and explore ways that they too can have this extraordinary
experience and to that point I want to ask you guys how what is the process like
you know going from the inspiration and the guidance that clearly is coming from
sources outside of yourselves at least the small selves right how is it translating that
and kind of stepping that all down into you know putting together like training programs that have
like weekly curricula and so on that’s a good question yes so I remember the first time we
received a guidance after the Council of 12 and above in 2017 it was what has been created by the
elders meaning recreating a new blueprint for humanity to go from a state of revolution to a state
of evolution needs to get to practicality how can we find a way to go from the spiritual to the
practical to the everyday life for people to take action for people to get it to integrate
spirituality in their everyday life and at first we created a symposium a first symposium we
actually liked that and we discovered after the two first symposium that we were not giving all
the tools because we didn’t know that we could first we didn’t know that it was a necessity as well
but we realized after those two symposiums that when people were gathering there were always
this little time of amazing expansion of mine and there’s only one unity beautiful and at some
points there were oh yes but maybe it was my idea or you know this this pullback of are we really
together and in 2020 we were all isolated we couldn’t do a symposium that year and so it was a
perfect time for us to to put all that created a CL meaning the rituals practices the learnings
we put together in different modules for different teams to access let’s say the simplicity of work
we can have in our team I’m saying simplicity it’s not always simple but at least we have tools
yeah exactly what Sophie is saying it was a journey yeah we and really we have to be candid about
it things we let things reveal themselves when the time is right and sometimes we we don’t know
exactly why we’re doing things and we understand it once you know they kick in and they make
complete sense and they complete something else that that’s been put on the on the way so we
progressively it’s you know the foundation was started with the idea of bridging
wisdom traditions with the the the words that at a time were only a few people were actually
doing the same thing and then as with the covid and the first two years that actually took off
the wisdom traditions were more and more put forward which was a blessing and we were called by
the next step through the guidance and the next step was distilling the essence because it’s
not about cultures it’s not about traditions it’s about primordial wisdom it’s about really practical
stuff really and you can’t say easy because they’re never easy to do but they’re they’re actually
simple in the way they’re crafted but have a huge impact and so how do you distill the complex
journey that our team went through by completely surrendering to faith and turning completely
their life around and and and really taking risks and you know that’s not the job it’s not a
job for everyone what what we need is a methodology that applies to daily life and then eventually
you get a big mission and you act on it but that’s it’s not the goal is to actually live a better
life that that actually respects the entirety of life and and and all the inhabitants of planet
earth animate and inanimate so beautiful and I’ve already shared with so many professional
colleagues the experience I’ve had in the training and have encouraged many people to connect
themselves and have that experience themselves and I know that you guys have put so much effort
and intelligence these past several years into laying an incredible foundation and now the vision
for the coming few years is extraordinary also and very inspiring and involves 3% of us right
can you tell us a bit about this and tell us how every single one of us connected to this
podcast connected to our organizations is basically being invited to participate in in what’s coming
yeah thanks for the thanks for addressing the 3% so 3% in 2026 when we were looking for the
those 12 elders to bring to the UN we we actually met a lot of different wisdom traditions
and many spiritual guides and shaman and most of them were really addressing the same
challenge which was 2026 and and the way humanity would be out across roads at this point and
had a simple choice to make either live exactly the same way and and get into a revolution taking
it to the same exactly the same situation in in maybe a hundred years or so or the the choice
of evolution which is you know changing perspectives and doing things in a different way that is
more aligned with the universal principles and values and and going to an evolution like an upward
spiral so that’s the that deadline has always been very present for us and explains why we’ve
generated so much energy into doing what we do because we’re and we know that you know humanity
in its whole cannot be shifted into some kind of different mindset in 2026 but following the
principle of critical mass 3% is enough to actually start tilting the balance and this is
what the universe is asking for just that the the balance is is tilting a little bit so that’s
the story about the 3% in 2026 so she will tell you more about what we’re trying to convey
for 2026 so the world consciousness is a lot for many people sometimes it’s far too far too much
so it’s maybe just a little awareness you know getting into practicality of thinking differently
it’s so easy when we go to do our shopping to think I’m going to buy those fruits those fruits
and at some point realize oh but they’re in plastic it would be so nice if they would not be
and we’re not asking people you know to drive kilometers to find the place where they can find
their vegetables with no plastics but at least already thinking it would be so nice it’s already
an awakening it’s already a level of awareness that maybe it’s not totally normal that we are buying
so much stuff a natural stuff with plastic it’s a little example of what could be a shift
in consciousness and it’s going in every layers of what we’re doing how we consume
how we think how we act how we talk to each other it brings us values principles we are putting
into actions yeah the essence of it all is primal wisdom and primal wisdom is pretty much
everything that is engraved in the universe that actually makes life more aligned
therefore better for everyone and it can be like so if you sing so many other things you know
it can be just waking up and not listening to the news but instead listening to music to you
know create that atmosphere it’s it’s how do you look at a rainy day do you think it’s a sad thing
or do you think it provides water to the to the earth and therefore is a blessing how do you
you know come to work what kind of mindset in very pragmatic ways can be applied
from six years old to a 99 years old that would make your day better and would make everybody’s
day better and the world a better place very really that’s the point of entry for us and then
that leads to much deeper work which you experience with holistic visions for example
sports is really to go from a state of fear to a state of love and a state of love is not
not knowing what’s happening in the world it’s not denying what is happening we know what is
happening because we have the feeling that we are going to be pushed until 2026 by nature by
history to see through things to force ourselves to to grow to force ourselves to stop thinking
individually and to sing collectively how we can together transform this world how we can
together be more attuned with the vibration of nature we are part of by the way and you were
asking Aaron how can people participate there’s going to be a massive call for action but for the
moment the ideas are bubbling up and we’re really we’re finding a lot of people on our way that
have the expertise to actually make this possible make this this great ambition possible
and so that’s what’s happening at the moment does and we can’t say more but what we know is that
you know anyone from YonEarth that that has a an idea of aid yeah I know how you can reach
3% of the population or I want to participate of course we’re absolutely open to that but we’ll
definitely you know tell you more as soon as as we went through the the couple of workshops that
we want to do around that but yeah it’s a collective effort and it’s it could turn out to be
something extremely fun and irresistible and for everyone to join in into a massive collective
action even if it’s for one day you know yeah I love it one day of one lifetime I am struck by
the experience of evolving even further in this direction of more love less fear one of the things
I found that you did so beautifully in the training curriculum is we’ve been just enough of the
science to tell those of us who you know get a little more convinced with science part of what’s
happening and the experience we have especially in our small group that met weekly for a year
is that you know our neuro biochemistry individually transformed in the way that we
related to each other and the way that we collaborated with each other and we know in the science
that there’s something going on with the parasympathetic nervous system there’s something going on
with the neuro biochemistry and the endocrine system and so the weaving of the science is brilliant
and it’s it’s touches it’s not this isn’t a an in that scientific curriculum by any stretch it’s
an experiential curriculum and you know similarly this notion of the 3% this is from the science
looking at adoption curves right of things like new technologies coming out the way we humans tend to
move from the very earliest movers the the avant garde to trailblazer to the ones that
many of the rest of us might look at as being a little bit nuts and then suddenly you’re at this
critical mass of 3% in from there often with technology adoption and with awareness changes the
rest of humanity or a significant portion of her ponderance of the rest of us follow can you
tell us a little more about what you’re envisioning and and what does it mean to
create a conscious connection among 240 million human beings on on the planet in the next few years
yeah I think your first first you’re right on point with the
and where you know I think we live in such exciting times
because it’s convergence right if you’re really interested in science right now it’s going to
tell you exactly the same thing as spirituality or primordial wisdom has been saying for
thousands of years or hundreds of years depending on the information and you know even even
what you’re talking about the the fact that being in a group operating at the same vibrational
level actually affects each and every one of you you can tie it to record shelterake and the fact
that it might even not be the nervous system it might even be the water in your cells that is
just communicating because it’s actually a single organism that covers the whole planet
which has been proven scientifically so yeah you know the in our spiritual tradition in
in Gabon the spiritual tradition is called Lassiants the science and so you know everything is
is science if when the science is not something that is completely separated from nature from
and is more on it you know the Darwinist pyramid of sense of man is above everything in nature
so that’s that’s the first thing that’s that’s why it’s part of our of our life and of the
training program the three percent in what it can look like or what it can feel like is is a big
question and then and honestly do you have an answer I have I have so many I images and and
you know emotions and and that come up I have an answer oh go ahead you know
the first time we met Aaron we knew already that we’re going to work together it was obvious
it was a vibration it was stronger than a filling it it was a connection not through ideas
but it was a hello from our souls it’s the way I first it’s the first time we talked together
and I would say the same with everyone on the path of the three persons and sometimes it’s
so that are less related or that are for further countries but it you can still recognize each other it
we are not on our own we are all together and it’s really this time of urgency of let’s do
something but not let’s not do it for ourselves let’s do it for the all let’s do it for the greater
good let’s do it for all life and for the next generation and that for me is a is a fabric of the
three persons yeah and even the name itself the three percent you know when we came up with that
we didn’t we didn’t realize that that because that’s how you know you know it as well as we do that’s
that that’s how it it rolls right the the information comes to you and maybe you don’t know why
and and and it makes sense but knowing how the world is talking about that the one percent
you know that why not have a three percent counterbalance to that you know and and being how
exciting to be in a movement where you’re in the street and you know that that person that
actually you don’t know but smiles at you in the street and in a completely natural way
is definitely part of that movement and that you know and that it can it can actually be shared
through really simple things it’s it we’re not talking about hours of meditation all of that
is is it’s just the next levels that that you can go to but the simple global point of entry is
what we’re looking for and maybe one more thing about the three persons it’s a connection through
heart so it’s not it can’t be about violence you know it’s a movement of heart it’s a movement
of love it’s a movement of action actionist but really going through how we can shift things
in a smooth way it’s not about going through revolution it’s really about going to evolution
yeah and then did you know this is why during the training program we the the universe provided us
with the the possibility of partnering with Bruce and BC from massive change network because
then our ambition was always was never to create separation it was always to you know use the tools
that human resonates with at this point and so the the the the the campaigning the all those
different campaigns that people are drawn to use very specific tools exactly like that curve
you were talking about that that actually work why not use that to expand you know consciousness
and good living and I think we’re already for that and then could be excited to try it for change
and and see how it works well absolutely beautiful yeah so exciting and look already
my personal experience having connected with several of the other extraordinary
leaders within the Lucio ecosystem has me thinking about Sarah Arrow and and John Rogers and
Saraya of Zali right and we’ve podcasted already with Sarah and with John as of this recording
and planned to with Saraya quite soon and of course you know Saraya is doing extraordinary work
having a background coming from Afghanistan and studying the role of charismatic leadership that
grounded in something other than love and joy and wisdom right and and how that can be
so destructive in the world that that particular force and conversely how that can be
so beautiful and creative when that is rooted in something like love joy wisdom peace and yeah of course
John with his background having worked at the Pentagon and now doing systemic risk work in a
variety of domains ranging from technology and cyber and AI and climate to things like terrorism
and his book the Renaissance campaign is extraordinary I’ve already recommended that to
so many folks and you know the work that Sarah is doing in Uganda with girls and young women in
particular as well as boys and young men help and I love your recent use of the word fabric it
made me think of Sarah because she’s helping give them skills for entrepreneurial
activity just making beautiful clothes and footwear and other things for the community while
empowering themselves to avoid some of the very very serious and sad and tragic risks and pitfalls
that a lot of folks otherwise in her community all pray to you and wow this is a growing
well-work of fabric of folks from all kinds of backgrounds and walks of life and socio-economic
status coming together and collaborating at the heart of this sense of stewardship responsibility
reciprocity I mean it’s it’s absolutely amazing to feel connected to this and to be a part of this
thank you thank you so much we really think that as a place for everyone and we are all together
creating new norms and those new norms can’t come from only one person at least it’s our experience
it’s the gathering of experience listening to each other allows the new norms to to bloom and maybe
the new norm is not the same at every place of the world it has to be unscalable but as well
adaptable so how can we find a way for the sense of global unification to be part of the journey of
everyone and for everyone to create this journey as well it can’t be I’m following someone it’s
I’m creating my my my life yeah I think the magic in all of that we see is like we told you when
we started the foundation people thought we were crazy and absolutely mad yeah still sometimes
and you know the whole challenge where I that this here is our seventh year and you know we’ve
you’ve you’ve seen that documentary the the smallest or the biggest little farm or I can’t
remember the title but it’s all around how yeah seven years that’s what’s needed for an ecosystem
to actually regenerate itself and and and thrive completely balanced without the the help of
anyone we’re right at at our seventh year and it we’ve gone through the same challenges as these
this couple that is trying to you know set up a farm and and those challenges were all about
the wording as well how do you how do you make it so that people as serious as the the people that
are in the community because we’re talking about the training program but the alumni of the the
training program constitutes a community that is absolutely amazing and and you know attract
and seeing today that that quality of participants is actually attracted to the training program
follows it and takes benefit of it to create impact is such a blessing we’re in deep
gratitude to the participants and the members of the holistic visions community because they’re
they’re the you know the the the arms and and and the legs of the of the whole thing
yeah it’s absolutely beautiful let me remind our audience this is the YonEarth community podcast
on your host Aaron William Perry and today we’re visiting with the co-founders of the
lecielfoundation Sophie Monepison and Olivier Girard you can connect with Lysiel at
lecielfoundation.com there’s a variety of resources and information there for you also on YouTube
at Le Ciel foundation there’s some beautiful video resources including the amazing film the 12
and you can also connect with Sophie Olivier and the organization through LinkedIn and we’ll provide
the specific links in the show notes of course I want to take a quick moment to thank some of our
friends and sponsors who make the YonEarth community podcast possible and also the broader work
that we’re doing through our ambassador network at the YonEarth community in partnership with some
amazing organizations like Le Ciel foundation and those sponsors include Chelsea Green Publishing
you can go to Chelsea Green use the code Y-O-E35 to get a 35% discount on any of the books and audio
books they have on offer as well as profitable purpose consulting, earth coast productions,
Patagonia, Dr. Bronners, Waylay Waters and of course a very special shout out to our
monthly supporters and our ambassadors if you haven’t yet become a monthly supporter or joined
our ambassador network and you’d like to go to yonearth.org and click on the support button
set that up at any level it works well for you or you can now go to our patreon to
set up your monthly giving there of course we’ve arranged a number of wonderful
goodies giveaways and resources for you to take advantage of it at varying levels at the
$33 a month level in the continental United States we will ship you a jar of the
biodynamically grown hemp infused aromatherapy salts from waylay waters as a
monthly thank you gift and a token of appreciation that will help you deepen in your own personal
well-being practices nothing like a good soak with waylay waters to
de-stress and rejuvenate and for our ambassadors in particular we have a variety of exclusive
resources available including our behind-the-scenes segments with our podcast guests so if that’s
something you want to be sure to have access to just go to yonearth.org and get your
ambassador-adventure started by clicking on the become an ambassador page and yeah Olivia and Sophie
when we do the behind-the-scenes segments of course we’re gonna take a little deeper dive and I
have some special questions for you then and there but we’ll hold that a little bit later
I wanted to come back and ask about the 12th the film can you tell us a bit about I know
we’ve already mentioned it but just a bit more about the the profound wisdom in this film and
what it was like putting that together I can only imagine you’re going out to some elders in various
parts of the world and they’re saying hey we want you to be a part of this documentary want you
to come to United Nations like you know how do those conversations play out so every time we arrive
to a country in front of one of these elders first of all it was a huge gratitude to this place
with his land and always the surprise to to meet simplicity respect and the sense of gratitude
from both sides because it was always like so we’re waiting to For us, some of them even told us, we knew from generations that at some point you were
going to come and were waiting for you like we were late and we were no clear of you think.
And so it was really about asking them to connect to what they knew already.
So when we were telling them this can’t see this happening, we felt that you were part of it.
For them it was most of them a direct yes, for two of them it was we need to consult spirits
and we need three lunar cycles to come back to you, but they were first appreciation already.
And one of them needed kind of six months to tell us yes, and it was, oh, you’re actually
And for you, yeah, master, I told my bonga, our master, we, he’s the first one we asked for,
and when we asked again, nine months after he was, oh, what are you talking again about?
Until he was, what did you learn on your journey? And at that point it was, it was a yes.
But it was always about the council, it was not necessarily about the film.
The film came after, and the film was, and it was our token of appreciation to them.
It was for them to have the speech.
That’s why during the 12, there’s none of us.
It’s only them.
It’s only what they want to share to the world.
And, and, and as a co-director with Lucy.
The whole, the whole process of the film was, Lucy was on, on every trip.
Usually she stayed afterwards and, and she stayed a bit with the, with the others.
And it’s, I mean, like Sophie is saying, we could have done a completely different film.
We could have done a film about the process itself, which was, we don’t know who to find.
So, okay, let’s all, you know, search for guidance and, and try to, let’s take a map and see
in which country in, in guidance. And then, okay, so there in this country, in guidance,
is it a man or is it a woman? Okay, so it’s a woman in this country.
Who do we know that we could call that knows someone?
And then, it’s calling people, you know, thinking that we’re crazy.
You’re looking for a woman in my entire country, which could be a spiritual leader,
but will not be someone famous, because that’s not their role.
Okay, no, I don’t, yeah, and, yeah, around 40 or 55.
And then they would say, okay, well, I don’t.
And then they would call us back three weeks afterwards, like, the craziest thing happened.
I was in a lunch, and I don’t know why I talked about your thing, and this guy knows someone,
so here’s his number, and so on and so on, and all the, the elders were, were found like that.
And when we went, when we arrived on site, usually we couldn’t meet the master right away.
There was always some kind of challenge, something happening, a test for our group,
in terms of coherence and resonance, like here, you know, we’re teaching in a training program.
And it was only when we had reached the point that really we were in sync vibrationally,
that then the elder would actually appear, or that we would get a phone call saying, okay,
you can meet. So it was a whole process that led us up to the the council of 12 in New York,
where three days prior to the council, we didn’t have any room at the UN,
and we didn’t have any room to do the opening ceremony for that council.
So we didn’t have anything apart from, you know, 35 indigenous people in a hotel.
And the same thing happened. We went through a whole day of a process where we put everything
on the table. There was a lot of crying. There was a, you know, a lot of hidden conflicts that
were resolved. And that day, we remember that day, we were at a very high level in a building,
and we were in the clouds the entire day. And then at the end of the day, when we finished,
the clouds broke up with, you know, a ray of sunshine. And then we opened our computers,
and an organization came back to us in the meantime saying, we have a room for you at the UN,
with passes, with the necessary passes. And then in the next hour, the the assemblage,
the club in New York was telling us, yeah, we’ll give you a whole floor for free
to do your opening ceremony. So that’s how things roll during the trips. And Lucy was,
didn’t capture all that because it was never our intention. Our intention was to give speech
to these elders. We knew that they were going to do a huge ritual for humanity in the UN.
And we wanted to give them the opportunity to speak their truth. So the film is really about that.
And even though you see them traveling, and you see them in New York, and it’s a great experience
to see that, it doesn’t really, how the film was conceived, which was absolutely crazy.
And then, yeah, Lucy came back with all the rushes, and then we collaborated both of us to do
the final cut. And they gave us so much, as you said, and the introduction, and as you said,
about the tests and changes, because if we can, or if we give tools of coherence in our
training program, is because we had to go through it in intense manner. I mean, we could have
lost someone in our team during those tests. It was not about being in front of a computer on a
call. It was really physical. We had to face ourselves. We had to trust the universe. That was
the right path. And that was really, I think, the most, the first test we had to go through at
some point, I was on a cliff. There are foods with 20 meters completely of emptiness
under me. And I was thinking, okay, if I’m not on the right path, I’m going to die.
If not, it was the right path. So, this feeling of we go through things. We create something,
we trust the universe. We trust the process for incomplete faith. And I mean, you can’t be like
that all the time. That level of coherence. I mean, and they were crazy short trips. I mean,
like three days to go to Botswana, like a week to do Australia and Japan. I mean, we didn’t,
we didn’t do any sightseeing. We really went straight to the, and then had to have the conversations
and present the whole vision. And then, and then up we went for the back to London to actually
find the next elder, but with crazy stories. I mean, the master Aoki in Japan was found because
at New Year’s Eve, I was at a party and I was really bored at that party. And I spoke to that one
girl who I spoke of what we were trying to do. And she was like, you know what? I think I know a
guy that could, a Japanese master that could, that could help you. And I came back to Sophie.
We, we did the readings in guidance and, and surely enough, he’s one of the, the most,
there’s no important elder in the 12, but he was, he was one that was, that the, the public,
the audience of the film noticed the, the most. Because he is an elder in the city. You know,
we always talk to, being connected to nature. And his main teaching was how he can connect
even when you are in the city. You are in Japan, in, in Tokyo, it’s full of people,
it’s compact as no nature, but you are still completely rooted into your own nature.
That’s why maybe people really add a special appreciation for him sometimes, because he,
it was allowing them to realize that they could leave their life into cities and still be connected.
Absolutely. Yeah.
Hmm, beautiful. I, I want to do a quick shout out to Lucy. You’ve mentioned Lucy several times.
Lucy, Martins are Martana. How do you, how do you pronounce her?
Martins. Yeah.
Martins. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, those beautiful images, I’ve all been shot by Lucy. She’s a very
talented filmmaker, that, you know, that the 12 opened was a really point of entry to our work.
It was the, a really simple way for people to understand not what we were doing,
but the vibration of what we were doing and then feeling attracted and called to it.
And then, and then for Lucy, I mean, it, it created many connections with a different wisdom
traditions that she still holds really dearly and, and, and visit often. Yeah. It, yeah.
Lucy is one of the co-founder as well of, of, of, of, of, of, well, I’m, and speaking of the
several co-founders, it’s been so wonderful getting to know Jesse and, uh, Sebastian, some of the
others. And if you guys want to just give a shout out to everybody, if you’d like, uh, to,
to recognize everybody for their roles. I mean, the beauty of the way we, we co-founded, uh,
the foundation is, uh, we all had a role and sometimes your role is to be here the first day
and to get up here after, because it’s giving the strength to the others to continue.
And so some of us co-founders are not, uh, um, um, every day in the foundation. Sometimes they are
not really particularly in touch anymore with the foundation, but what’s important is the role
that played at the very day we put that together. Yeah. And when we, we can only, you know, appreciate
every day the, uh, the achievements of this team. I mean, very small team, uh, no, and, and ready
to go all the way. I mean, this team is relentless in the sense that, uh, you know, at some, sometimes
we’re not paid for five, six, seven months and, and we’re still going at it, uh, because, um, so that,
so yes, it’s a huge shout out, uh, because we’re, everyone is committed, uh, 1,000% to, uh, to,
what we’re trying to do and create a better world, like in many organizations, uh, around us. I mean,
it’s, uh, you know, most of the people who don’t know could, could think that we’re, uh, this is
all you who are new age and not at all, uh, all these organizations are so driven, so focused,
uh, and so efficient doing amazing things with so little money, uh, and it’s a challenge in life,
really, it’s a, you, you need to stand in front of your choices and, and stand strong, uh, sometimes,
and so we have a huge respect for, uh, our team and for all organizations that are active on that
global mission. It’s, uh, it’s a big one and it’s challenging, yeah, but it’s rewarding at the
same time. Yes. And my team, first of all, as well, a lot, uh, with our team recently is, uh,
the level of precision, you know, the, uh, in, in our culture, precision is really important.
It says discipline versus precision, being details is, is, are the most important thing,
let’s say. And so every project to make sure that we go through all the details together,
that we do our best. Obviously, nothing is perfect. No one is, uh, but we all put our efforts together
to create something that is as perfect as possible. We are striving to perfection, let’s say.
Yeah. And then to really, to me, the last thing is, um, when we started to meet people like,
you know, three-star generals that were ready to, uh, spend hours on phone calls with us to discuss
about, you know, projects that we had and, uh, we knew that somehow the, the team and its
vibration was sending, uh, a vibration of truthfulness. Uh, there was no deceit where, where, you
know, we’re, we’re walking the talk, uh, as, as much as we can with the, uh, and so I think,
you know, without that in the team, which, uh, which is not something easy to master, we, we would
we wouldn’t be where we are with the foundation right now. And the part of the team as well is, uh,
we think that to change the world, we have to change ourselves so we begin with them.
And, uh, so we are all going through a huge process of, in a growth and it’s not easy.
For all of us who are on this journey, it’s not easy to face our shadows, to, to recognize them
and to see the eyes of others that are pure mirrors to us because, you know, a team working together
for H.S. together every day, they are exact mirrors of what you are projecting the world.
So if you can’t deny, you have to face, you have to see, you have to accept, you have to, to
integrate change, it’s, it’s a huge job. And so as well for that, you know, for, for them to be
here for us and we are here for them as well, we are in, it’s a reciprocity process.
But to make sure that we are all keeping the, the line as much as possible. Yeah. And I mean,
just to, you know, be on the, I want to be reassuring because I mean, this, the kind of challenge for
people that want to go all the way, you know, that really hear the call and, uh, and, you know,
the whole world doesn’t need to be like that. We’re really advocating for something
practical, easy, simple that just makes your life better and, and the life of the others,
without having to go through the, you know, the whole, uh, challenge and, and because
there are many levels of understanding and, and it’s, you know, the right timing for everyone.
It’s, but do we need to, in the community, strong community, it’s essential. It’s the safe
container, loving container. Absolutely. And that’s what the holistic visions is, uh, really,
it was funny. We were on the phone with, uh, uh, one of our, uh, community members and, uh,
and we’re trying to organize more phone calls. We’re trying to, you know, solicitate
his advice on, on, on, and he was like, yeah, you know, holistic visions member are the only
one I actually agree to talk on the phone, uh, without even knowing what they want to talk about,
because I know there’s going to be a quality to the conversation that I will get something out of
- And that’s priceless. I mean, uh, so we’re, we’re just in full gratitude, uh, for that.
Yeah, I can, uh, relate and, and the test, uh, to that sentiment and why it encourage everybody to,
uh, check out the Le Ciel Foundation on the website, lecielfoundation.com.
If you’re able to support, uh, the Le Ciel Foundation support the work that’s being done,
engage with the holistic visions, uh, training and other opportunities and offerings that
Olivia and Sophie and their team have put together for you. And it definitely, uh, watch the film,
the 12. Um, there’s so much, uh, you guys have created for us. And also, I want to be sure to
mention, uh, you’re doing work for, uh, children as well. And, uh, you’ve got this program Earthcubs.
Um, can you tell us a bit about that and what you’re doing there for the, for the younger Among Us?
Yes. So in 2020, I think Olivia got a vision of we should create capsules of wisdom for kids.
And for the last three years or four years, we were trying to put that in the budget,
we were trying to meet some people until six months ago, we’ve been contacted by uscubs. And they
wanted to create a training program for kids based on the training program we, we do with Listeel as well,
and so Olivia’s mission. You know, that’s right. No, it’s, it’s, it’s, again, it’s, it’s how things unfold
and, and that huge convergence at the same time, the, the training program for adults or,
young adults is, is getting more and more traction, the opportunity to actually come with
primordial wisdom to children that are, uh, you know, between three and 11, uh, supported by Earthcubs,
which is a, a great and awesome, brilliant, uh, platform, uh, that not only distributes, uh,
the content for free in schools, uh, but actually, uh, create the, uh, the, the, the content for teachers
for them to create workshops with their, uh, with their, uh, students within classes. They’re,
uh, uh, in more than 6,000 schools, they’re touching more than 1.2 million children at the moment,
and they’re growing, their audience is growing so fast that they’re, they’re being so generous
with what they’re offering that the, uh, it’s like a big wave. And, and we get to, uh, we, we have
the opportunity to serve it, uh, and to use also that leverage to get to the 3%, you know, uh, and,
and, and, and two families, uh, through the, uh, the kids, uh, and it’s, it’s an effort that, uh,
is ready to be produced, but we’re, we haven’t found, uh, the defones yet. And when we started that
project about five months ago, we started talking about it and what I got, it’s absolutely brilliant.
You’re doing a, a 12 chapter mini series for kids around, you know, really pragmatic stuff,
around what they can do, uh, how they can interact at, at their age with primordial wisdom.
It’s gonna be so easy to find, you know, funds for that. And it’s not, uh, because, you know, the,
the, the situation is what it is. It’s, it’s hard to fund, uh, projects, uh, like these, so,
any help around that is absolutely appreciated because, you know, all of our missions have really,
we’ve, we had to set up everything from the, uh, the ground up. And it was a considerable, uh,
amount of challenge and work to actually get, this is the one that is actually, uh, it’s ready
to, you know, it’s ready to go. It’s, and it’s, and it’s not going to be incremental like 100 kids
and then 2000. No, it’s straight away, you know, several, uh, hundreds of thousands of them.
And so, uh, we’re really, uh, you know, we’re really putting the intentions that we’re going to
find those funds and, and hopefully, uh, through the, uh, the, the, the, the selling of the art that
we have, uh, behind this, but, uh, with the support of, you know, anyone that knows about grants
about, uh, you know, even individuals that want to support education and that kind of media.
But, uh, if you want to, uh, check out Earth Cups, uh, uh, on, on, uh, and their website,
they’re doing absolutely incredible stuff, uh, and we’re really proud and excited to have the
opportunity to do something with them. We need, uh, we need a, a little support to, uh,
activate the project. But then in three months, it’s ready. Yes, you can find information on our
website as well on the lecielfoundation.com, and if you want to support the, uh, the project,
there’s a, you can donate on that page as well. Wonderful. Fabulous. Just a quick question out of
curiosity. Um, so many schools, so many, uh, kids and students, is that primarily in Europe,
North America? Worldwide elsewhere? Worldwide. It’s worldwide. And, uh, first, it was only in English,
and now it’s getting translated. Uh, it’s going to be in French for sure. Uh, but, uh, as well as Spanish,
so it’s growing, so it’s a network, uh, it’s growing. Yeah, they’re looking at all sorts of
different partners even in, uh, uh, you know, um, multimedia companies that, that want to use their
content on their different channels. So it might be very, their objective is, is, uh, to reach, uh,
one billion, uh, by 2030. And, uh, and, and they’re on it. Uh, I mean, uh, so it could be,
you know, by the time we actually finish producing that program, it could be three million, uh, kids,
it’s one point two for the, for the moment, but it’s super exciting. Yes, we really would like
for the kids to realize that, uh, they have something to do. They don’t need to identify themselves
only to what social media is providing them with. That they have, uh, they have purity within
them. They have a lot of ideas. They are creative. They have a primordial wisdom within them to,
to be awakened. Uh, they, they are the leaders of tomorrow. So it would be fantastic to make sure
that they are rooted in a sense of truth and not necessarily in the, in the artificial world
that we can live in for sometimes now for now. Yeah, it’s, how, how can we reconnect our
children to, uh, to the world, uh, the real world and, and, and, and the, those values and principles
that actually matter, uh, to thrive as a, uh, collective organism, humans, you know, animals,
plants, rocks. Uh, this is all a beautiful creation, uh, that actually works wonderfully when,
you know, one species is not going crazy. Yeah. Yeah. Connecting with the, the AI, right? The
authentic intelligence. Oh, no. You know, I’m excited to explore ways we might be able to collaborate
with you all around the earth. Cubs, uh, stuff in particular with our children’s book series,
celebrating soil, celebrating water, celebrating honeybees and so on. Um, maybe we can, uh, chat
about that for a quick minute in our behind the scene segment. And I am certainly going to ask you
a bit more about the artwork behind you, uh, in our behind the scene segment. And just want to
mention once more, uh, that our, uh, ambassador network have exclusive access to behind the scene
segments, to, uh, videos from various conferences and symposia, as well as, uh, the recordings of our,
monthly meetups, uh, from, uh, with folks from all around the world who are in our ambassador
network. And so if you’re not yet in the ambassador network and you’d like to just go to
wider thought ward and, uh, click on the becoming ambassador page. Um, and once again, uh,
Le Ciel foundation, uh, calm to connect with, uh, Sophie and Olivia and the team. And, uh, yeah,
maybe to wrap up our, our podcast today, I will ask you to tell us just a little bit about the
amazing artwork, uh, hanging behind you. And for our video audience, uh, they’re enjoying this
beautiful backdrop, very colorful, very intriguing. And as I understand it, um, this is a collection
of original art that has something to do with Christy’s and something to do with a special, uh, auction
or sale, uh, to support the Le Ciel foundation, is that right? Yes. So one of our co-founder, Jesse,
had a mission of creating, uh, exhibitions. And the first time she made it was, uh, with, um,
Philips and we had a fantastic exhibition in 2018. And three pieces of art, uh, remained after that,
sadly. And after that, we had the Christy exhibition in 2020. And we’re meant to, as the auction
on the 6th of April. And obviously in the 6th of April, the world was stopped by COVID. So there
were no auction possible. Despite the fact that we had 300 people at our, um, first day in New York.
So we thought it was going to be fantastic and tremendous. It didn’t happen. And since then,
the art was in the Christy’s warehouse. Uh, it really kindly holds the, the, the art. And, uh, now
we are putting them back just for 12 days. Yeah, we realized the, first of all, it really is a part
of the magic, uh, uh, like usual, as usual, sorry, because none of us had any experience in the
into, you know, throwing exhibition in auctions when we started the foundation. And this happened
the first one was thrown like a year after we opened the foundation. And, and throwing auctions
in support of a charity was not, uh, absolutely not our universe. The way it was all, the way it
all unfolded to actually happen to partner with Philips. And then with Christy’s on the second
edition and having like 80 artists chip in, give their, uh, their beautiful art, usually unique
pieces for cause that at the time wasn’t so well-defined. And not as well as today is just
absolutely pure magic. And, um, and so that’s the story behind it. And, and on catalog, we realized
that, you know, it doesn’t give justice to the, the pieces. And so we were, since they were in
a warehouse for a while, we wanted to give them some air. And, and, and enable, uh, people to come
and see them, uh, er, to find a home. And for them to eventually find a home. The funny thing,
though, is that you can see them on our website as well. And, and, uh, you can even, you know,
click a buy button if you want to participate to the bidding, uh, which ends before the 30th of March.
Uh, if I’m, uh, well, yeah, okay, interesting. Well, we’ll see when this discussion publishes,
yeah, absolutely. And, but the fascinating thing that we didn’t truly realize, or maybe we had
forgotten, is the story of each of these, uh, pieces. They come with a, with this, with a spiritual
story. Absolutely. Um, and really, really exciting, really amazing stuff. And we, in the training
program, we’re saying that we need to create a, to work as an access, you know, with, uh, technology,
art. And, yeah, art is really a, a real technology of not only traveling, but getting access to,
to ideas, to other worlds, to other understandings. When, I mean, it’s, it’s kind of a,
an honor to be surrounded by these arts. Right now, it’s just, you know, it’s, we’ve put that
together last week. And since then we’re like, oh, it’s, it’s, you know, lifting the vibration,
even more in our office, because it’s magic. And art is just impressive. Art is sacred. Yes.
Sacred is a, I have my vision. So shout out to all the artists,
positive people who are helping us, supporting us on the journey. And particularly you, Aaron,
and your beautiful wine as community. Thank you. Yes. Well, I have to, I have to give a shout out to
our core group of ambassadors who have launched our artist guild. Uh, and it’s, it’s so magical
to be able to gather with creative specifically working in service to nature and humanity
and I have to ask, because I know one of our, uh, digital development team is going to wonder this.
Are you, are you also offering, uh, NFTs, digital assets related to the artwork?
We should. We are all, uh, yeah, we are all here to learn. Yeah, I think Jesse went into that
rabbit hole, uh, about, uh, a year ago, she went really deep, trying to create an NFT with an
amazing artist that didn’t pan out. Wasn’t the right time, maybe, but yeah, of course super open to
learning more about it, because we don’t have to expertise, that’s for sure. Well, I know,
I know just the guy that talked to a dear friend who goes by echo, um, can, can be helpful without
you guys are interested. And, uh, yeah, I’m, I’m, I’m really excited. We can channel a little more
about that in the, uh, behind the scene segment coming right up. Um, and just to wrap up the podcast
conversation, uh, I want to thank you both, Sophie and Olivier for offering, uh, to our world,
something so precious, so sacred, so potent, uh, that I’ve personally been able to experience and
continue to experience and, uh, really encourage folks to, uh, connect with Le Ciel Foundation
and engage and, and figure out a way to get involved, uh, as soon as possible, uh, time is of the
essence. And as we like to say, uh, slow, smooth, smooth as fast, there’s no stress, but I encourage
folks to connect and get involved, um, uh, expeditiously. And before we sign off, I just,
I want to invite each of you, uh, to share anything additional that you’d like, uh, with our
audience. And again, Sophie and Olivier, thank you. Thank you so much from my heart.
Um, the first thing I’d like to share with you, uh, is that if you want to, if, you know, your
listeners want to know more about the training program itself, they can check everything on our
website under, uh, the holistic vision training program. Um, all the information is in there,
but the, uh, the journey is, is really going from the eye to the wee in a, exactly like you said,
in a very, uh, detailed and, and, and, and driven way, uh, from individual clearing to then,
you know, uh, putting yourself in service of a group and then creating coherence and then
designing life-centered, uh, principle-based ideas and projects, everything’s on the website.
And the second thing is, uh, of course, reciprocating that deep gratitude that you just expressed,
um, to you, to every actionist, every, uh, every person that is a, you know, aligned
feeling the alignment and, uh, faithfully, uh, uh, working to, uh, expand, uh, that vision.
I also want to, I’m very grateful for the, uh, the universe itself or source or whatever you
want to call it because we’re very conscious that, um, we’re just instruments, uh, we’re just
conduits. It’s not really about us, uh, about, you know, us personally. And we were,
we were also told that with the elders when they were telling us, we’ve been waiting for you,
well, you know, some white people. It, it didn’t matter if it was us or anyone else, the, what
matter was the mission to go to the UN. And that’s the, the kind of, uh, you know, mindset we’re in.
Um, so yeah, but I invite everyone that wants to help change the world’s mindset.
Uh, uh, in a pragmatic and practical way, um, uh, to, you know, uh, join us. And then we’re all
about collaboration. We can’t do this alone. And I’m going, yes, to ask everyone who feels called
to this three-person movement to come to us and see how we can create that together.
And, uh, I would like to really
send my, my love and gratitude to all as a wireless community, because, um,
not only for what you are doing, but for supporting what you are doing. Because it’s super
important, important that, uh, what you are doing right now is spreading. So thank you for, for
your community to support, uh, your work you do, what you, you are putting together,
and through your community to open their arms, to collaboration, to work with our community,
to be one community together. Here, here, uh-oh. May it be so. Thank you both.
Thank you, Aaron. And thank you, uh, to all the listeners. Thank you, you’re, you’re, you’re,
you’re the ones that make a, that happen as well.
The Y on Earth community stewardship and sustainability podcast series is hosted by
Aaron William Perry, author, thought leader, and executive consultant. The podcast and video
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