Episode 140 – Dr. James Gordon MD, Founder, The Center for Mind-Body Medicine, on Trauma Healing in Ukraine

Stewardship & Sustainability Series Episode 140 - Dr. James Gordon MD, Founder, The Center for Mind-Body Medicine, on Trauma Healing in Ukraine Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast ....

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Episode 45 – Adam Eggleston & Alex Martin – Madera Outdoor is Planting Trees!

Stewardship & Sustainability Series Episode 45 - Adam Eggleston & Alex Martin - Madera Outdoor is Planting Trees! Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 ....

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Episode 44 – Pat Frazier, NP, Biodynamic Educator & Earth Steward Par Excellence

Stewardship & Sustainability Series Episode 44 - Pat Frazier, NP, Biodynamic Educator & Earth Steward Par Excellence Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / ....

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Blake Terry, Y on Earth Ambassador, Reflects on Leadership Summit

Blake Terry, Y on Earth Community Ambassador, describes his experience at the recent “Massively Mobilizing Sustainability” Deep Leadership Summit, and what’s being activated going forward. ....

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Greendreamer Podcast Episode – Aaron Perry w/ Host Kamea Chayne

https://www.greendreamer.com/podcast/aaron-perry-y-on-earth Sharing his wisdom here is Aaron Perry, an author and the founder of environmental nonprofit Y on Earth. Hear about the role of a Chief Sustainability Officer in any company, what biodynamic agriculture is, ....

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2 Great American Pastimes to keep us Humble & in Good Humor.

What do baseball and gardening have in common? These two great American pastimes have a certain timelessness to them, a certain constancy – like homemade apple pie – often hard to find elsewhere ....

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Ageless Wisdom that helps us Think Better, Smile More.

Go take a hike. Ever heard this phrase before? Not always the nicest thing to hear, right? But what if “taking a hike”—simply walking—is just what we need to get smarter and feel better? ....

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